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September 6, 2012 Conservation Commission Minutes
Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                              Shelia Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                  Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.               MaryAnne Lapierre
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                           Pat Wonson
Jacklyn Heffner
Conservation Commission Minutes for September 6, 2012

In Attendance: Peter, Nancy, Shelia and Sandy.

Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40pm
Kim recorded the Minutes.


  • Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber- Christine Lewis More, President of Centerview Hollow Land Company had submitted the notice. Approximately 5.5 acres of 65.97 acres to be cut.  Mrs. Lewis More had been in contact with Peter discussing tree removal. At this time Peter did not express any concerns.
  • UNH Cooperative Extension- 2012 Application form for the New Hampshire Coverts Project.
  • L-Chip – Hidden Acre Farm Stewardship Check in the amount of $324.00.
Sandy Motioned to accept the $324.00 for deposit into the Stewardship Account for the Hidden Acres Fund. Nancy Second. All in favor.
  • Local Government Center- 25th Annual Municipal Volunteer of the Year Awards.
  • Ben Meadows.
  • Office of the Planning Board- South Hampton, NH. Site Walk scheduled for August 13, 2012 on Lonegoose Road. Tax Map 1,  Lot 2. The Site Walk will begin at 10:00am. Peter read memo and asked members to be vigilant of the construction going on as various construction vehicles will be traveling through Newton roads to access there site of construction.
  • NHDES- Granite Fields Golf Club Public Hearing, Large Groundwater Withdrawal Permit- Final Report. Public Hearing is scheduled for September 5, 2012 at 7:00pm. Hearing will be held at Kingston NH Town Hall.
  • 2012 Municipal Law Lecture Series- Land Use Lectures.
1.  Peter reviewed Tyler Davidson’s application for appointment to the Conservation Commission. Peter explained to the board that Tyler has been present at the last two meetings, however without a quorum we have not been able to accept his request at that time.
Peter Motioned to accepted Tyler Davidson’s Application and appoint him as an Alternate for a one year term. Shelia second the Motion. All in favor.
2. Peter Motioned to accept Kimberly Lowther as an Alternate for a one year term. Second by Shelia. All in Favor.
Spring Clean-Up-  Sandy discussed planning a spring clean up tenativley scheduled for April 2012. We have several blue bags to contain the trash and we could distribute our new, One Planet One Dream Go Green backpack tag and chain to all our volunteers.
Acceptance of Minutes-
  • Members reviewed the Minutes of December 15, 2011. Peter motioned to accept the Minutes as written. Nancy Second. All in Favor.
  • Members reviewed the Minutes of February 2, 2012. Sandy Motioned to accept the Minutes as written. Nancy Second. All in Favor.
  • Members reviewed the Minutes of February 16, 2012. Shelia Motioned to accept the Minutes as written. Peter Second. All in Favor.
  • Members reviewed the Minutes of May 3, 2012. Sandy addressed a typo that needed correction.  Page 2 #5, change 1015 to 2015. Peter Motioned to accept the Minutes of the Meeting and to make the correction on page 2.  Sandy Second. All in Favor.
82 Wilder’s Grove Road- Peter had received a phone call from an unidentified woman whom lives in close proximity to 82 Wilders Grove Road. She asked if she could be present at this meeting to address her concerns with regards to the retaining wall her neighbor is constructing. Peter welcomed her to the meeting, however she was not present. Peter mentioned to the Conservation members that he told her  he was aware that the homeowner did file paperwork through NHDES for approval. In response the neighbor felt that the construction had gone beyond what was originally approved.
Stormwater  Management-
NH 2012 Stormwater Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Small Community (Population <10,000) Needs Form. Peter discussed the form with the board. Since they are asking for information regarding road construction we should forward the survey to the Selectmen and Road Agent.
Conservation Commission Town Inventory-
The Conservation Commission currently has ownership of a laptop; measuring wheel; a five drawer black file cabinet; (two) four drawer beige file cabinets; two drawer grey file cabinet and a bug kit.
Forest and Habitat Management-  Peter had discussed his recent contact via phone with Hopkington Forestry & Land Clearing, Inc. Since speaking with the owner of operations, Peter has not received a response. Peter will be in contact with other land clearing companies to bid for a selective cut on conservation land.
Old Lower Road Parking Lot-  Peter talked to Mr. Estabrook regarding a potential land swap to obtain access for a parking lot. This parcel of land is located at between Highland and Old Lower Road and would be used as a parking lot for the Peanut Trail. Peter would like to elaborate further with the Town Engineer. Peter asked Sheila to she could contact the town engineer. Sandy recommended discussing this proposal with the Selectmen. Sandy Motioned to write the Selectmen a letter discussing our proposal for Map 11-Lot 3 and Map 11-Lot 2. Nancy Second. All in Favor.
Sargent Woods- Rick Bailey from Planning Board discussed a minimizing impact amended Site Plan for Sargant Woods Development. Lewis Builders requested Planning Boards approval to adjust the footprint to some of there buildings. Peter asked if the four buildings that would be moved would impact the leach fields. Rick replied by saying that he  believed  there would not be a substantial impact. However  he could certainly address this concern at the next meeting.
Rick also discussed the former RV Storage Area originally proposed. In other recent project that Lewis Builders have been involved in they had discovered that the further distance the  RV storage area may be from the owners homes the RV’s were subject to vandalism. Therefore they would like to relocate the RV storage area at Sargent Woods.
Peter Motioned to accept the amended Site Plan. Peter, Nancy and Shelia were in favor. Sandy voted against the motion.
Aquifer Watershed Protection Ordinance-  Rick expressed that he would like to add clarification to this ordinance. These changes would be for editorial purposes only, and not to change any rules or regulations that are currently in place. In the amended ordinance he would like to remove the term ‘Conditional Uses’ moving Section 1 down under ‘Permitted Uses’ and change the numbering. Peter asked why the Salt Sheds were not listed in the ordinance. He also could not entertain this amendment until he has an amended draft to review. Rick said that he would certainly write an amended article in draft form and present it at the next meeting. Rick asked to be placed on the next Agenda.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30pm.

Respectively Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission
Newton, New Hampshire