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January 5, 2012 Conservation Commission Minutes
Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                                Sheila Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                    Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.                 Mary Anne Lapierre
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                            Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for January 5, 2012

In Attendance: Nancy, Trisha, Sheila, Peter, Sandy
          Guest: Jackie Heffner

Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40pm

Sandy recorded the Minutes in Kim’s absents.

Acceptance of Minutes-

  • Woodward & Curran; Fall 2011 Issue.
  • 2011 Conservation Budget Expenditures- $3,750.00 Variance (2,390.00).
  • Wetlands Preservation, Inc- 2012 Calendar.

Other Business- Trisha discussed a new uniform fine schedule being established by the town. This would give the police department some direction in the case of a complaint or violation and would set a fee amount. After brainstorming the follow list was established.
        Example:        Use of town land without a permit
                        Unauthorized use of property
                        Blocking an emergency gate at trial head

 NH Association of Conservation Commissions. 54 Portsmouth Street, Concord NH 03301. Invoice for Annual Dues in the amount of $250.00. Question as to when the fee should be paid. Trisha will check.

 Jackie voiced her concern about the amount of trash and litter on the sides of road ways. She goes out and picks up the road where she lives and was wondering if any town department was responsible for keeping the roads clean. Trisha stated that we have both state and town roads and although it may not be the responsible of the road agent his crew does at times pick up the litter and trash. Peter said he has seen the employees at the transfer station picking up the sides of the road along the front of the entrance. Sheila stated that Earth Day might be used as a good backdrop to heighten public awareness about littering. Many communities have roadside clean up days. Trisha added that maybe would could have such a day and get other town organization to join in. The conservation committee has purchased trash bags that could be used. Trisha said that the selectman could notify the transfer station to expect these items on the cleanup day.
Peter made a motion: To have Kim send a letter to the Newton Boy and Girl Scouts, baseball and softball, and other community groups including Police, Fire, Recreation and library to see if they would be in favor of supporting and joining in on the cleanup day. Conservation was looking toward a day in April around Earth day. Second by Trisha. All voted in favor.   

        We reviewed some of the town lands by looking at the tax maps. We would like to start looking into where it might be possible to connect parcels with adjoining trails or right of ways.

Peter motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm. Sheila Second. All in Favor.

Announcement- next meeting is Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandy Estabrook

Committee member