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December 15, 2011 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton NH 03858

Approved Date:_________________

Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                              Shelia Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                  Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.               MaryAnne Lapierre
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                           Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for  December 15 , 2011

In Attendance: Peter, Nancy, Sandy, and Pat.

Peter called the meeting to order at 7:35pm
Kim recorded the Minutes.

Acceptance of Minutes-
  • South East Land Trust of New Hampshire- News and Information from the Land Trust.
  • One Deluxe Ave ( Map 11 Lot 15-1) Signed Petition from Residents in favor of granting access and egress to the property.
Discussion: Pat had questioned how likely it would be that this would get passed, and also questioned if Mr. White could ever be granted a building permit. Peter  questioned the town’s liability if someone were to get injured on town land. Pat questioned if the Town Attorney had looked into this situation. Sandy added that  Mr. White can come and go, however, he must do so with out the use of a motorized vehicle. She also added that town utilities should not be considered either. Peter addressed his concerns with regards to the Petition;
  • One Deluxe Ave is not a known address.
  • The Peanut Trail prohibits motorized vehicles.
  • The ramifications of Insurance Liability if motorized traffic crossed town property.  
  • Large amounts of  wetlands are in close proximity to the Peanut Trail.
  • Land was purchased as a Non buildable lot, as proven by the Tax Record.
  • The lot is also misrepresented in Mr. White’s petition. He has One Deluxe Ave located behind the Gale Library. However One Deluxe Ave is located five lots further away from behind the Gale library.
The Conservation is strongly against Mr. White’s petition to Granting access and egress to Mr. White’s backland property.

Other Business:
Peter discussed applying  for a NH Trail Grant from the Snow Mobil Association of NH. Prior to applying, Peter must seek permission from the town. The Grant would give the town a $2,000,000.00 Insurance  blanket for mixed use recreation.
Pat motioned for Peter to pursue interest into applying for a grant. Sandy Second.
Vote: Unanimous.

Minute Review: Peter motioned to accept the Minutes from previous Meetings.
December 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; August 4, 2011; July 21, 2011; June 16, 2012; May 5, 2011; April 7 2011; March 3, 2011; February 17, 2011.

Adjournment: 8:40pm

Respectively Submitted.

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission