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May 5, 2011 Conservation Commission Minutes
Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                              Shelia Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                  Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.               Brian Valimont
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                           Pat Wonson
Conservation Commission Minutes for May 5, 2011

In Attendance: Peter, Nancy, Trisha, Pat.

Peter called the meeting to order at 8:00pm
Kim recorded the Minutes.

Acceptance of Minutes-
  • Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of December 16, 2010 as written. Pat Second. All in Favor.
  • Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of February 17, 2011 as written. Second by Nancy. All in Favor.
  • Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of March 3, 2011 as written. Pat Second. All in Favor.

  • State of NH Department of Resource and Economic Development.  Division of Forest and Lands. RE: Harvest timber and improve wildlife on Sargent Lot 4 Wildlife Management Area. Bear Hill Road, Newton NH. 55 of 151 acres will be impacted.
- Peter discussed the importance of a Forestry Management plan and would like to greet the members of NH Department of Resource and Economic Development. In the future this is something that the Conservation Commission may want to consider.
  • Letter sent from Mr. and Mrs. Nicol of 6 Gale Village Road addressed to Peter Mears.
  • Letter sent from Mr. and Mrs. Nicol of 6 Gale Village Road addressed to Nancy Slombo.
  • Alex Silva Investment Properties & Management, LLP
  • Commission members reviewed documents received pertaining to Acio’s Family Take Out, LLP. Acio’s is located at 2 West Main Street, Newton NH. The Conservation Commission would like to conduct a Site Walk to view the premise.
  • Peter motioned to have a Site Walk at Acio’s Family Take Out, LLP scheduled for Monday May 9, 2011 at 3:45pm. Second by Nancy. No further Comment.
  • Rockingham Planning Commission – Save the Date RPC Annual Meeting Wednesday June 8, 2011.
  • Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber from the NH Department of Revenue Administration. Kelly Kozec , 3 Wentworth Drive, Newton NH.
Other Business-
  • Kim discussed the issues she was having with the newly acquired donated laptop. The laptop was frequently freezing, not holding a charge, the screen usually flashes and the computer is very slow.
Nancy motioned to spend up to $400.00 on a new laptop for the Conservation Commission because the currant laptop is non function able. Second by Pat. All in Favor.
Trisha motioned to have the old files transferred onto the new laptop once one is purchased. Peter Second. All in Favor.
  • Stormwater Management- The Earth Day Blue Bags are in the storage area. Once a date is set for trash clean up, Trisha would like to contact the Newton Baseball league, and / or Boy Scouts to see if they would be interested in volunteering their time with the clean up.
Adjournment- Peter motioned to adjourn at 8:30 pm. Trisha Second. Vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation