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February 3, 2011 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton NH 03858
Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                              Shelia Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                  Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.               Brian Valimont
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                           Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for  February 3, 2011

In Attendance: Peter, Nancy, Trisha, Pat, Mary Anne and Sandy.

Peter called the meeting to order at 7:35pm
Kim recorded the Minutes.
Scott Frankiewicz, of Brown Engineering, LLC representing the Southern New Hampshire Industrial Park.  He discussed the work that is performed by 125 NH Development Corporation. Mr. Frankiewicz  reviewed issues that were of concern to the Conservation Commission during a past Site Walk. He then directed the board’s attention to lot 4 of the construction zone.

-Sandy Estabrook arrived at 7:40 pm

Mr. Frankiewicz, informed the board that silt fences have been redone and a snow fence has been installed along the borders of Walnut Farms per order of the Planning Board. Mr. Frankiewicz explained other clean up efforts on the property. The asphalt that Conservation had previously questioned has been removed, however concrete is currently stored on the property. The large pile of stumps will be brought to Pro Bark in the spring. Conservation Commission is concerned with the slope to the retention pond. Mr. Frankiewicz responded saying it will soon be resloped requiring additional excavation.
Pat addressed her safety concern, referring to it as a cliff that had been excavated near Walnut Farms.  Mr. Frankiewicz explained that due to the cease and desisted order issued, 125 NH Development Corporation was unable to rectify the issue.  Since lifted, they plan on regrading the dangerous cliff. Pat asked how soon it will be fixed. Mr. Frankiewicz responded when the snow melts this spring, that particular portion of the property will be regraded.
The board referred back to the previous discussion regarding the buffer zone that has be in question. Mr. Frankiewicz explained that is not an undisturbed buffer zone.  Trees may be cut, yet construction of buildings are not permitted in this area. Due to safety concerns, additional trees will not be planted in this area due to its close proximity of the gas line.
Trisha questioned if Dig Safe had been contacted on the site 72 hours prior to digging. She does not recall seeing Dig Safe flags posted on the premise. Peter too agreed that he has not seen Dig Safe flags on the site. Peter had suggested contacting Dig Safe to confirm that they have been notified.
The board thanked Scott Frankiewicz’s for attending the Conservation meeting and updating them  on the Southern NH Industrial Park.
Scott Frankiewicz departed the meeting at 7:50 pm.
Acceptance of Minutes:
Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of  January 20, 2011 as written.  Second by Pat. Vote Unanimous.
  • Robert Johnson of 19 Wenmarks Road, Newton NH. Copies of the signed waiver for the 20 foot setback from the abutting properties sent to Dale Keirstead of NH DES, Wetland Bureau.
  • Joshua Manning, Civil Planning and Land Development Manager. Lewis Builders Development, Inc. Project Review- Short Report- Preliminary Archeological Review prepared by Victoria Bunker. Copy from the NH Division of Historical Resources.
  • NH DES- Request for more information. Charles and Kathleen Marden of 385 Catherine Lane Groveland, FL 34736. Notice pertaining to 45-53 Heath Street, Newton NH. Tax Map/ Lot 4/3 Block 6.
  • Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision. Tax Map 14, Block 1, Lot 27-4). Puzzle Lane phase I. 50 foot undisturbed Natural buffer only applies where   different zones abut each other.
Town Wide Water District:
  • Peter motioned to reimburse Kimberly Lowther $49.00 for expenditures of 100 copies of our Water District Flyer. Nancy Second. Vote: Unanimous.
  • Conservation Commission agreed to write a letter to the Carriage Town News informing the Residents of Newton about the Warrant Article concerning the Town Wide Water District.
  • Pat will contact Mary Marshall and deliver our Water District Flyer to see if it can be place on the Newton Cable Channel.
  • Conservation members discussed placing an ‘infomercial’ like show on the Newton Cable channel informing residents of the proposed Water District. Members would like the short segment to be similar to an  interview.  
  • Deliberative Session will be held tomorrow at Town Hall on Friday, February 4, 2011 at 7:00pm.
  • Conservation Commissions next meeting is scheduled for February 17, 2011 at 7:30pm. Meetings are held at Town hall.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn at 8:25 pm. Pat Second. Vote: Unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation