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January 20, 2011 Conservation Commission Minutes
Commission Members:

Peter Mears, Chairperson                              Shelia Bergeron
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson                  Sandy Estabrook
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Rep.               Brian Valimont
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary                           Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for January 20, 2011

In Attendance:  Peter, Nancy, Pat, Mary Anne and Sandy.

Peter called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.
Kim recorded the Minutes.

Acceptance of Minutes-  Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of December 2, 2010  and January 6, 2011 as written. Second by Pat. All in Favor. No further discussion.

Correspondence- Reviewed Ben Meadows catalogue.

Warrant Article for a Water District-
  • Peter began a discussion regarding the proposal of  a town wide water district and asked the Conservation Board to discuss there views on moving forward with a warrant article. Pat agreed that a warrant article is necessary. It had been two years since the Conservation Commission has sponsored a warrant article for a Water District. The Commission discussed the importance of our most valuable resource and needs the publics support to help protect our water supply. Sandy mentioned our neighboring towns, Kingston and Atkinson, have also attempted to achieve a water district, however was unsure of the outcome. The Commission members discussed drafting a flyer to handout at the Deliberative Session. The flyer will be brief, yet at the same time get the Commissions point across that should attract the interest of Newton residents.
The flyer will read:
-   “Protect your water supply from Commercial Interest.”
-   “ Will not impact your tax rate.”
-   “ Protect your individual private well”
-   “Conservation Commission recommends you vote yes on a town
     wide water district.
  • “Preserve Newton’s water.”
Peter had motioned to spend up to $150.00 to draft an article concerning the warrant article into the Carriage Town News and to print 100 flyers to hand out at Deliberative Session and Voting day. Second by Nancy. All in favor.
 The flyers will also be posted at all public buildings and stores throughout the town of Newton.

Busch Farm-
 Peter informed the board that the Busch Farm sign was installed. He discussed having additional signs made for other properties in town. Peter suggested a sign at Curriervile Road near the gates. Nancy had mentioned posting a sign at each end of the Peanut Trail and the Lower Road.

Pat motioned to place an order for signs to be made for the Conservation land at Currierville Road and the Peanut Trail.  Five signs in total. Two for Currierville Road and three for the Peanut Trail with a total cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Peter Second.

Peter explained that the signs would be half the size of the Busch Farm sign and he would contact Mr. McLeod to see if he would be interested in making the signs.

Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2011.
Peter motioned to adjourn at 8:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation