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September 16, 2010 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17

Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson
(603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook
Brian Valimont
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for September 16, 2010  

Peter, Nancy, Sandy, Shelia, Pat, and Mary Anne.

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.


  • Karl LaCroix of 44 Whittier Street, Newton NH (Tax Map 5, Block 5, Lot 5.) Subdivision of Land. – Reviewed map.
  • Donahue, Tucker, & Ciandella, PLLC invoice for the Foy Property- Peaslee Crossing Road in the amount of $332.50.
- The invoice will be forwarded to Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley whom has been in contact with the Law Office. Invoice has been waived.
  • 35th Annual Municipal Law Lecture Series. Brochure.
  • Whispering Pines Campground.  NH DES Wetlands Complaint of possible violation.  File # 2010-01990. Dock is allegedly with in 20 feet of property line.
  • UNH announcing the publication of two new books, The Real Dirt: Toward Food Sufficiency and Farm Stability in New England and Pasture of Plenty: The Future of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Conservation in New England.
Quality Name Plate, Inc. Photo copy of check sent in the amount of $256.16 for Conservation markers.
125 Development NH. Puzzle Lane ( Tax Map 14, Block 1, Lots 27-3 and 27-4.)   
Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision. Cease and Desist Order is no   longer in effect.
  • 125 Development NH. Puzzle Lane Tax Map 14, Block1, Lot 27-4. Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision for an Earth Excavation Permit.
  • Society for the Protection of NH Forests. Free copy of Amending or Termination Conservation Easements.
Michael & Tracy Treadwell, 80 Wilders Grove Road, Newton NH. Wetlands Complaint of possible violations.  NHDES is handling this complaint.
Other Business

Annual Newton Family Fall Fair-   The Conservation Commission will partake in the fair this year creating Conservation Games for children to play. Trisha has prizes for the children who participate.
Members discussed mapping out trails near Greenie Park.

Town Beach-   Due to limited precipitation this season, the amount of run off (yard fertilizers, etc.) into Country Pond has helped maintain its purity, allowing the Beach to remain open for swimmers.

New Business

  • Shelia handed out an article from the Carriage Town News, dated 9-9-10, Letter to the Editor regarding Conservation Easements. Members reviewed and briefly discussed the article.
  • 40 Pond Street- Wetlands Complaint. Possible wetlands violation of silt fence running off into the wetlands.
Peter motioned to conduct a site walk on Monday September 20, 2010 at 3:45pm to address a potential wetlands violation. Pat Second. All in Favor.
  • Currierville Road- Peter brought to the board’s attention that it appears vehicles have been able to drive around the Currierville Gate gaining access into the woods to dump debris. He suggested moving the dead pine trees that are in close proximity to the gate, blocking access to unauthorized vehicles.
  • Shelia tentatively plans on attending the Administrative Planning and Zoning Workshop held in Derry on October 13, 2010 from 7-9pm. Peter asked her to bring in a receipt for reimbursement.

        Peanut Trial-   Periodically vehicles are parked on Whittier Street blocking the access gate to the Peanut Trail. Parking is prohibited at the entrance gate. Peter will purchase a sign to inform visitors to not block the gate.  
Acceptance of Minutes-

  • Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of August 5, 2010 as presented. Sandy Second. All in Favor. No Discussion.
  • Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of July 15, 2010 with the exception of #10 under Correspondence amending “15 foot no cut buffer zone” to “40 foot no cut buffer zone”. Second by Pat. All in Favor.
Discussion: Conservation will contact the Planning Board regarding their decision for a 25 foot no cut buffer zone between Greenie Park and a new development known as Sarah’s Way Extension, owner Ann McKilloop Araki. Conservation requested a 40 foot no cut buffer and would like clarification as to why the board decided 25 feet was more reasonable.

  • Annual Family Fall Fair at Greenie Park. October 2, 2010. 10:00 am
  • Our next Scheduled meeting is October 7, 2010. 7:30pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission