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July 15, 2010 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook
Brian Valimont
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for  July 15, 2010  

Peter, Trisha, Nancy, Sandy, Shelia, Pat, Mary Anne, and Brian.

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:34pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.

Minutes Reviewed: Peter motioned to accept the Minutes of  May 20, 2010 and June 3, 2010 as presented. All in Favor.

  • Kingston Planning Board- P.O Box 716 Kingston NH 03848. Free Training Seminar for Municipal Voters. Located at Kingston Town Hall at 7:00 pm on June 24th.
  • NHDES RE: Centerview Hollow Land Company, LLC, Nichols Drive, Bootland Farm Road, Newton NH. Notice of Administrative Completeness. Standard Dredge and Fill Application.
  • Application is complete and still waiting for approval.
  • Conservation Letter of Commitment had been sent to DES and Joshua Manning of Lewis Builders- Hollow Land Company.
  • Newton Planning Board- Notice of Decision for Karl LaCroix  two lot subdivision at 44 Whittier Street. (Tax Map 5, Block 5, Lot 5) Conditional Approval was granted.
  • Peter reviewed the layout of the property to the Conservation Members.
*Trisha arrived at 7:45 pm.
  • Photocopy of Deposit to Merrimac Savings Bank for the L-Chip Hidden Acres .$132.00
  • NH DES Approval for Construction. Frank Gibbs of 87 Smith Corner Road, Newton NH. Five Bedroom house with a one bedroom apartment.
  • Nicol Farm, 26 Merrimac Road Newton NH. Copy of additional information for Standard Dredge and Fill Application. Original copy sent to Eben Lewis, Wetlands Compliance Specialist. NHDES.
  • Members reviewed the packet of information.
  • Merrimac Savings Bank Statements from January 2010- May 2010.
May 28, 2010. Conservation Commissions has a  balance of $89,272.69. Stewardship has a balance of $11, 829.16.
  • NH DES Land Resource Management Program Complaint Form submitted by Brian Cheney of 37 Wenmarks Road Newton NH. Describes in Complaint that a dock from the Whispering Pines Campground is less than 8 feet from his property line. He explains that the dock should be 20 feet from his property.
- Peter reviewed complaint with board members. DES is handling the complaint.
  • Standard Dredge and Fill Application for Sarah’s Way Extension.
  • Sarah’s Way Grading and Drainage Plan. Owner: Ann McKilloop Araki Tax Map 10, Block 2, Lot 10(7).
-Conservation Members reviewed plans.
Peter motioned to send Planning Board a letter that the Conservation Commission would like to see a 15 foot no cut buffer zone between Greenie Park and Sarah’s Way property, and to be recorded on the Mylar. Nancy Second. Shelia Abstained. All in Favor.
  • Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision issued approval to Ann McKilloop Araki for a four lot subdivision at 9 Sarah’s Way was extended by four months.
Ben Meadows coupon.
NH DES Request for More information. Alteration of Terrain Permit for
      Puzzle Lane.
- Reviewed email correspondence sent from Gloria Andrews. Reviewed letter sent to 125 Development on May 29, 2010. Trisha would like to have a site walk in the near future.
  • Lot Line Adjustment Plan for Wesley Gundersen and Debra Bunting of 19 Gale Village Road, Newton NH ( tax Map 9, Block 3, Lot 14) and Elizabeth Lewis of 3 Nordic Wood Lane. (Tax Map 9 Block 3, Lot 15-1).
- Conservation had reviewed plans and does not have any issues at this time.
  • Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision for Elizabeth Lewis and Wesley Gundersen received approval.  
  • Invoice from QNP for the purchase of Boundary Markers. $256.16
Peter motioned to pay $256.16 to QNP for the purchase of Boundary markers. Brian Second. All in Favor.

  • Discussion- Peter would like members to distribute Conservation Markers in the following areas:
        Currierville Road, Marden/ Pinkerton Property,  Busch Farm, Conservation area behind the Transfer Station, Hadley Road, Access of Patriot Drive. Markers will also be placed at any access point and along road frontage approximately 100 feet apart.
  • Design Review for Puzzle Lane scheduled for July 13, 2010. Plans submitted by 125 Development Corp.
-Board Members reviewed plans.
- Nancy motioned based on the design for plans 24-7, Conservation requires proper erosion control and retaining walls constructed to prevent erosion into the wetlands. Peter Second. All in Favor.  
  •  Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision for a Conditional Use Permit for a Home Based Business at 5 Williamine Drive, Newton NH.
  • Property Plan for 85 South Main Street, Newton NH. Owned by the Fitzgerald Family Reality Trust. (Tax Map 13, Block 2, Lot 24)
Our next meeting is scheduled for August 5, 2010.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission