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February 18, 2010 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook
Brian Valimont
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for February 18, 2010  

Peter, Trisha, Sandy, Shelia, Pat and Nancy, Mary Anne and Brian.

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.

  • Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber. Map 8, Block 3, Lot 11. Christine Lewis Morse of Centerview Hollow Land Company. Bootland Farm and Nicols Drive.
20 acres are to be cut.
  • Ben Meadows.
  • Newton Planning Board- Trails Committee Mission Statement and Objectives.
-Discussion. The Conservation Commission would like to see mixed use on most of the trails, understanding that ATV’s are not suitable for all trails. Sandy and Brian expressed their interest in joining the Trails Committee.
Members agreed that they liked the ‘multipurpose’ mission statement. Shelia suggested that if the trails are open to motorized vehicles that we consider the neighbors whom abut the trails. Trisha discussed the Nuisance Lawsuit several years age and questions how we conquer that issue if motorized vehicles are permitted on the trails. Trisha discussed once again that the Conservation Commission falls under a different statue. It’s our job to preserve open space. Sheila discussed the importance of creating maps outlining the trails, signage at the gates of the trails and seeking grants to help make this possible. Trisha discussed creating a legend. The site index would identify land where different recreation activities could take place such as snow mobeling and cross country skiing.  Trisha read  RSA 36 regarding Trails specifying the importance of keeping an index of conservation properties.
Shelia motioned to begin looking into mapping out the Trails in Newton. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.

Peter discussed using a GPS to map out the trails in the town. Trisha also suggested using Google for a satellite view.
A memo will be sent to the Selectmen regarding the Trails Committee.
Peter motioned to nominate Brian Valimont, Sandy Estabrook, Sheila Bergeron, and Mary Anne Lapierre on to the Trails Committee. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.
No further discussion.
  • NHDES to Sara Reality, LLC. Regarding Whispering Pines- Alteration of Terrain Permit. Five year extension. Trisha reviewed a map dating 2005. It appears as if the sites are getting closer to the water.
  • NHDES Application for Minimum Impact Agricultural Projects. Nicol Farm Partnership of 26 Merrimac Road. Newton, NH. Shaping of waterway and installation of field subsurface drain and drain outlet.
Other Business:
  • Determine a date for a site walk at the Town Transfer Station- this will be postponed until the spring when the snow clears. Peter motioned to defer the site walk until the next meeting. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.
  • Code of Ethics- Trisha commented on a recent Selectmen’s meeting where Code of Ethics was discussed. Any person with a financial gain when voting must step down.
Busch Farm:
  • Camporee-  Approximately 160 scouts and leaders will attend the Camporee. Nancy suggested having the field mowed before their event. Conservation would like the plan for fire management and also a copy of the Permit.
Peter motioned to allow the Boy scouts to have their annual Camporee at the Busch farm from May 14 to May 16, 2010 as long as all proper permits are in place. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.

  • Amnesty Weekend will be June 5 and 6, 2010.  Items can be brought to the Newton Transfer Station and be disposed of free of charge.
2. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2010.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission