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December 17, 2009 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
PO Box 378
(603) 382-4405  ext. 17

Conservation Commission Minutes for December 17, 2009

Attendance:  Peter Mears, Chairperson
                         Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
                         Pat Wonson
                         Mary Anne Lapierre
                         Sheila Bergeron
                     Brian Valimont

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm

  • 11/30/09  DES notice of complaint to David and Carolyn Kelly, 5 Elm St. regarding allegation of excavcation and fill in wetlands without permit/authorization from DES.  DES requests written reponse from Kellys within 20 days.
  • Memo from the Board of Selectmen
        Memo requests Con Com to submit list of tasks to Selectmen that Trails Committee would oversee.  
        Pat motioned that the committee list and produce a map of all trails in the town. Peter seconded. Vote to do so unanimous.  Con com has a list but has not expended monies to map trails.
        Sheila motioned to ask committee to secure grant monies or other funding to continue signage at all public trails/easements, gates when deemed necessary and trail maintenance.  This would allow con com to focus on using its monies to purchase conservation land, it’s primary directive.  Seconded by Mary Anne.  All in favor.

  • Copy of  Conservation Easement of Foy/Northland Property, purchased by this Commission, received from the Board of Selectmen with Selectmen signatures dated 12/14/09 with a note that Mr. Foy will sign on 12/31/09.  Committee members noted that the easement will be owned by the town within 15 years and the 13 acres are now protected from development, providing a contiguous corridor of conservation land abutting the Guscora and Hidden Acres conservation land.
New Business
  • There was discussion about recent complaints regarding violations in no-cut buffer zones around private and town owned land/trails.  The not-cut zones are written on the deed but not marked on the land with pipe, cement or stone which makes it difficult to determine if there has been a violation without a costly survey.  Nancy motioned to send letter to Planning Board to request that regulated  no cut zones (25–40ft) for any new plans be required to be drawn on mylar and  marked on property with permanent markers.  Seconded by Peter.  All in favor.
  •  Email from Chuck Whitman, Planning Board Member interested in serving on the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Whitman will be encouraged to attend Conservation meetings.
Old Business
  • 2009 Budget Expenditures reviewed by Commission.
  • Sarah’s Way Site Walk – 11/28/09.  Peter motioned to table until next meeting.  Pat seconded.  All in favor.  Sheila abstained.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila Bergeron
Newton Conservation Commission