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December 3, 2009 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook
Brian Valimont
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for December 3, 2009  

Peter, Sandy, Mary Anne, Pat and Nancy.

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.

  • Copy of the Code Enforcement Policy, Adopted by the Board of Selectmen
      on 11-3-09. Members reviewed the policy.
  • Rockingham Planning Commission- Legislator’s Forum November 18, 2009.
  • Rockingham Planning Commission- Workforce Housing Forum 11-30-09
  • Kimberly Hughes, Bookkeeper/ Payroll Administrator. Re: 2009 Encumbered Funds, Year-End Schedule, Payroll Schedule.
Messages:  Phone call received from Hans Mertsch of TF Moran on Wednesday November 18, 2009. He is conducting a survey on Gale Village Road. He understands that it is a scenic road and would like some information on the record layout and date of the layout .
- Members will review the Town Reports. Peter will call Hans to discuss the survey further.

Other Business: Nancy motioned to pay  NHACC Conservation Dues for 2008 and 2009 in the amount of $475.00. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.
Plan NH- Members discussed the Sarah’s Way Site Walk. Conservation requests, as indicated by the towns people at a past Plan NH meeting, to have the trail from Sarah’s Way to Greenie Park to remain open to the public.
Nancy made a motion to write a letter to Planning Board asking them to consider our requests. Peter Seconded. All  in Favor.

Busch Farm: Pat turned in a receipt for materials purchased to create a sign marking the Busch Farm.  Peter made a motion to pay Pat $55.91 for lumber and stain purchased. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.
Minutes Reviewed-  Peter motioned to except the minutes of October 15, 2009 and November 5, 2009 as presented. Pat Seconded. All in Favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission