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September 17, 2009 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Shelia Bergeron                 Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook                 Pat Wonson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary

Conservation Commission Minutes for September 17, 2009  

Peter, Nancy, Pat, Trisha, Sandy, and  Maryanne
Guest: Brian Valimont

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:34pm.
        Sandy recorded the minutes.
Minutes Review:
Approved minutes from September 3, 2009 meeting.
  • Minutes from Selectman meeting August 26, 2009
  • Newton Planning Board – Lot Line adjustment 16 & 20 Thornell Rd. Theodore Brown.                - No Issues
  • Newton Recreation: October 3, 2009 will be Newton Fall Festival Day at Greenie Park. Will Conservation attend.  
New Business:
  • Brian Valimont swore in as new member.
  • Budget expenditure: Motion by Peter to pay $60.00 for lunch provided to volunteers at Amnesty day at Transfer Station held August 22 & 23, 2009. Second by Pat. All in favor.
  • Katherine Drive: members are concerned that the no cut zone/ buffer zone between the Peanut trail and house lot has not been met. Motion by pat to take a site walk. Seconded by Trisha. All in favor. Sandy to contact builder David Storey or Foreman Brian for date.
  • Peter mentioned that a resident was inquiring whether Newton has a public garden area. There is nothing in place now. However it might be a project to consider for the future. Member will give some thought to what area might be used for this purpose.
  • Excavating on Pond St. Trisha said it was brought to her attention that there appears to be some new excavating and tree removal on Pond St. This would be on the right hand side past the Country Pond fish and Game club. Sandy mentioned of a site plan in place at number 71 however this is much farther back up the road. Mary Anne made a motion that we send a letter to the planning Board to confirm that a site plan and road bond are in place. Peter second. All in favor. Sandy will send the letter .
  • Plan NH: Planning board would like to know who will be attending the luncheon and bus ride on Friday September 25. The first of the weekend long events as part of the Plan NH Charrette. Pat, Sheila, Trisha, and Sandy will attend.
  • Cover at Pinkerton property. The old abandoned well at the Pinkerton property still needs to be covered. Peter thought it might be best to fill it in. Brian felt it has some historical value and should be left as is. Others felt it could be useful as a water source in the future. All in favor of just putting a cover on it for now.
  • 62 Heath St. No cut zone. Peter tried to contact the abutter, no response. He will try again.
  • Review of Sarah’s Way expansion site plan. Sandy emailed the Planning board our letter of concerns on Friday September 4, 2009. Because of the Labor Day holiday the town offices were not open on Monday September 7 so a hard copy could not be left.  The site review meeting was scheduled for Sept. 8. No written response has been received from the planning board.
Busch Farm:
  • Peter is working on the gate.
  • Pat is working on a new sign format.

Other Business:

Announcements: Next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2009 at 7:30pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Estabrook

Newton Conservation Commission