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May 21, 2009 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Sandy Estabrook
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for May 21, 2009  

Peter, Sandy, Shelia and Pat.
Guest: Maryanne Lapierre

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.
Minutes Review:
Peter motioned to accept the minutes of May 7, 2009 as presented. Sandy Seconded. Vote: Unanimous.
  • Newton Planning Board Notice of Decision- Father & Son Reality Trust, 8 lot subdivision at 73 Pond Street. Tax Map Block 4-5-13. Conditional Approval.
-Discussion – A building permit should not be issued until a sub-base is applied.
Peter motioned to send a letter to Planning Board recommending that they not allow a building permit to be issued until a base coat of pavement is applied to the road bed. Shelia Seconded. All in Favor.

  • Newton Planning Board – Minutes of May 12, 2009.
  • Review #7 regarding Robert White.- Peter reported that this matter has now gone to Town Council.
  • Ben Meadows flyer.
  • NH Association of Conservation Commissions
  • Members discussed if we should renew with the NH Association. This will be tabled until the next meeting.
  • Newton Technical Review Committee
Sheila and Maryanne reviewed item #3. Subdivision Tax Map 10, Block 2, Lot 10-7- Sarah’s Way.

  • Merrimac Savings Bank- Conservation Commission.
  • January 1-30, 2009. $68,198.17
  • January 31- Feb. 27, 2009. $68,227.33
  • Merrimac Savings Bank- Stewardship Commission.
-February 28- March 31, 2009. $11,384.05
  • Photocopy of Hidden Acres Good Stewardship Check for $374.00.
  • 2009 Budget-  Total $3, 750.00 Year to Date $630.33 Variance $3,119.67
New Business:
  • Phone call received on May 13, 2009 from a resident near Puzzle Lane. Complaint was due to hazardous material being dumped on Puzzle Lane. Kim left a message for Peter on 5-17-09.
                 -  Peter followed up with resident.
- Peter reported that the hot top was not dumped on wetlands. This is now an issue for Planning Board since the dumping was on a construction site.  
  • Phone call received on May 14, 2009 from a resident on Smith Corner Road. Homeowner had concerns with a beaver pond and his yard flooding. Kim left a message for Peter on 5-17-09. Peter followed up with resident.
  • Peter motioned to write a letter of recommendation to the Selectmen asking that Maryanne Lapierre become a member of the Newton Conservation Commission. Sandy Seconded. Vote: Unanimous.
  • L Chip – Good Stewardship Check was turned into Nancy on 5-19-09.
  • Fitness for Duty Policy and Fraud Policy was turned into Nancy on 5-19-09.
Policies for Nancy Slombo, Pat Wonson, Shelia Bergeron, Trisha McCarthy, Kimberly Lowther and Peter Mears were turned in.
  • Letters were re- sent to their P.O. Boxes to Mr. Dane Markley and Ms. Roxanne Hart on 5-19-09. Letters had been previously returned due to no mail receptacle.
  • Site Walk on Puzzle Lane.  In attendance:  Peter, Trisha, Nancy, Shelia, and Guest, Maryanne Lapierre. Peter discussed the site walk. They examined the trees. Everything seems in accordance. Young trees have been growing, only few trees have died. Owner was not present, however everything seemed fine .
Busch Farm:
  • Peter report that there were new vehicle tracks on the land and no new beaver activity.

Other Business:
  • Peter discussed the Thornell Road Complaint. He had spoken with resident Dane Markley via phone. The homeowner is  concerned with neighbors up flow of pipe. Mr. Markley reports that the flow of water from the pipe discharges onto his property. Peter reported that historically the pipe has always flowed in that direction. However since this issue was turned over to DES, the Newton Conservation Commission can not supersede DES. Peter will call Mr. Markley tomorrow to explain that this is now an issue for DES.
Pat motioned for Peter to contact Mr. Dane Markley and to explain to him that this is now an issue for DES. Conservation is now waiting for a report from DES. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.

  • Sandy signed and returned the Fraud Policy, and the Fitness for Duty Policy. Kim will submit these forms to Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley.

Announcements: Next meeting is scheduled for June 4, 2009 at 7:30pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission