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May 7, 2009 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Sandy Estabrook
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for May 7, 2009  

Peter, Trisha, Sandy, Shelia, Pat and Nancy.
Guest: Maryanne Lapierre

        Peter called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.

  • Rockingham Planning Commission- Discussion with NH Groundwater Commission.  Discussion: There are pros and cons to groundwater regulations. Trisha would like to label a particular area for a water district. This would protect our water supply. Some of the members may attend the meeting held in Seabrook, NH on May 13, 2009 at 6:30pm.
  • NH DES- Complaint, Roxanne Hart of 62 Thornell Road, Newton.
DES forwarded the complaint to Richard Uncles,
Department of Agriculture.
  • Assessment of 62 Thornell Road. 
- P.O. Boxes were listed on this sheet. Letter will be re- mailed.
  • Assessment of 64 Thornell Road.
-P.O. Boxes were listed on this sheet. Letter will be re- mailed.
  • Newton Health Officer- 62 Thornell Road Complaint
  • Newton Health Officer- 3 Fernwood Drive- anonymous complaint.  
  • Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes.
  • NH DES- Re: Sargent Woods Project #994191.- Trisha was wondering if
Conservation could intervene regarding Community Public water systems.

Nancy arrived at 7:40pm

  • Newton Planning Board Minutes- 4-28-09
  • Site Map- Victory Fuel, 14-1-26
  • Planning Board- Steven Early Intent to Excavate.  After reviewing the memorandum from Mike Vingale of KVP Partners, LLC. Conservation is satisfied with Steve Early’s Application. Peter motioned to accept the Intent to Excavate application from Steve Early. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.
Copy of  Form 8283 to Mr. and Mrs. Rines. Tax Map 007-06-006.
  • Roger Rines- Quaker Cemetery Land Donation.
  • Woodward & Curran.
  • Selectmen- Fitness for Duty Policy- Sign and Return. Members signed the policy, Kim will return them to Nancy.
  • Selectmen- Fraud Policy- Members signed the policy. Kim will return the signed policy to Nancy.
  • Legislative Bulletins.
  • O’Boyle’s application denied. He may reapply.
  • L-Chip sent Conservation a check for $374.00 for Good Stewardship of Hidden Acres. Trisha made a motion to accept the check and send it to the Selectmen for approval. The Selectmen can decide if the check will go in the Conservation fund or the Stewardship account.  Sheila Seconded. All in Favor.  

Other Business:
  • Trisha announced that the Code Enforcement Officer Resigned. A card was passed around for members to sign.
New Business:
  • Walnut Farm- Conservation members said the trail was marked out, and decided that there was no  need to build a walking bridge to the Trolley Tracks.
Peter made a motion that a walking bridge was not necessary and Conservation is satisfied with a natural trail as a walking path from Walnut Farm to the Trolley Trail.

Old Business:  
  • Trisha proposed to have a site walk with Coleman McDonough, of 125 Development on Puzzle Lane. Previously Conservation requested that he planted shrubs on the property. Since he planted them out of season, they have all since died. Conservation would like to make sure that new shrubs are planted.
Peter motioned to have site walk on Monday, May 18, 2009 at 5:30 on Puzzle Lane.
  • Two homes are being built by Marra Properties with out an approved road on Katherine Drive. David Storey is the new owner of the properties.
  • Pat discussed having a rustic looking signs made for Conservation Land.
Peanut Trail:
  • A blue pick up truck was seen driving up the Peanut Trail to the Old Lower Road.
  • Discussed Bob White’s request for an easement. Bob owns approximately 1 ¾ acres of land locked land. Conservation is worried about a Nuisance lawsuit case that they town got sued for in the past. Therefore we will not grant him access through the Peanut Trail. Also the town had voted in the past that they will not allow motorized vehicles on the Trail. Peter plans on attending the Planning Board meeting on May 12, 2009 at 7:00pm.

Busch Farm:
  • Tire marks were seen at the Busch farm up to the second culvert and to Patriot way. Peter made a motion to buy eight new locks for Conservation Properties.  Pat Seconded. All in Favor.
  • Peter pulled beaver dams, fixed culverts so they are now working properly. The field has since dried out and is now working properly. Peter will submit a bill for his time.
  • The annual Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for May 25, 2009.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission