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October 23, 2008 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Peter Mears, Chairperson  (603)548-4417
        Nancy Slombo    , Vice Chairperson
        Selectmen’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Alicia Raddatz  Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Sheila Bergeron 
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for October 23, 2008

Attending were:
 Peter Mears, Trisha McCarthy, Nancy Slombo, Pat Wonson

Peter  called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.

Land Acquisition:
        Peter and Trisha updated the board members on the negotiations for Mr. Foy’s land. Mr. Foy agreed to pay for the Purchase and Sales and the Title Search. Trisha explained the importance of a Conservation Easement opposed to immediate ownership of the land.  The easement will protect the land, specifying what the land will be used for, eliminating it from other town use or developing and preserving it natural existence.

Sheila Bergeron and Sandy Estabrook arrived at 7:45pm.

Nancy requested that a date be set in writing, that on or before March 1, 2010  the Conservation Commission will take over ownership of the land.  Pat questioned who would be drafting the Easement. Peter recommends that it will be done by Attorney John Ratigan. Mr. Foy will grant the easement and ownership to the Conservation Commission  at no further cost.  Peter made it clear that in order for the purchase to go through all conditions specified must be met.

        Pat made a motion for a  Conservation Easement to run with perpetuity to the land for $75,000.00. The land will be used for passive recreation and public use, as determined by the Conservation Commission to preserve its natural habitat. The Conservation Commission requires full ownership of the easement and land transferred to the Conservation Commission on or before March 1, 2010. Once the $75,000.00 is transferred to Mr. Foy, the land will remain without alterations and further adjustments until full ownership is taken by the Conservation Commission. All cost pertaining to the Purchase and Sales and Title Search will be paid by the Seller.
        Peter Seconded. All in favor.

Busch Farm:  Peter made a motion to have Russell Estabrook continue mowing the Busch farm until the main field is complete. Pat Seconded. All in Favor.

Other Business:
1.      Peter would like to pursue Forest Management.
2.      Trisha would like to have Conservation and Land Use books ordered for all Conservation members.
3.      L-Chip phoned Peter during the week, asking where the sign for Hidden Acres is located.  – The sign is located on the barn.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther