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September 18, 2008 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Peter Mears, Chairperson  (603)548-4417
        Nancy Slombo    , Vice Chairperson
        Selectmen’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Alicia Raddatz  Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Shelia Bergeron 
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for September 18, 2008

Attending were:
 Peter Mears, Trisha McCarthy, Pat Wonson, Sandy Estabrook, Sheila Bergeron.
Guest: Mary Marshall

Peter called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.
Minutes Review
Peter made a motion to accept the August 14, 2008 minutes as presented. Pat Seconded. All in Favor. No Discussion.

New Business: Members of the board discussed Mike Debitetto’s presentation at last weeks meeting, held on September 11, 2008, regarding land at Tax Map 7 Block 6 Lot 9-1 and Tax Map 6 Block 8 Lot 6.  Mary discussed the value the town would gain by purchasing land from Mr. Foy. Trisha wants to follow procedure and makes sure that nothing is voted on before an attorney reviews all plans and gives the Conservation Commission his recommendation. Peter was concerned about the well location, that since it would be located on town property,  could possible hold great liability in the future. Peter also believed that the road frontage was short approximately ten feet. The board had mixed feelings on what should be done. Peter asked that if we are going to pursue this we must be on the same page.  Pat agreed, and gave her support long as everything was done with legal advice. Trisha again expressed her view that we need a plan in writing and what exactly Mr. Foy is looking from us. Sandy questioned ownership of the land that Scott Botches says he owns. However the board is still not convinced if Mr. Botches owns the right away or if Mrs. Ryan has ownership. Pat recommends that a title search may need to be done.  
Conservation also needs to see what the land is worth.
Conservations purpose in buying land from Jim Foy is to discontinue future development. In addition the land would tie into Conservation land.

Peter made a motion to contact Attorney Ratigan for legal advice and to protect any money if the deal does not work out. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.
Discussion: Trisha would like a plan in writing from Mr. Foy before we contact the attorney therefore we have something to show him rather that just explaining the situation. Peter recommended that we spend between $100-$200.00 for legal advice. Trisha said that we are investigating an offer that we don’t have yet and would like something in writing before we meet with the attorney.

Peter amended the last motion by adding that we will contact Attorney Ratigan to advise us if he can protect us on the deal and to cover our Funds. Also we would like a letter of intent from Mr. Foy and Mr. Debitetto. Trisha Seconded. All in Favor.
Trisha will contact Attorney Ratigan.
Peter made a motion to send Planning Board a letter regarding the well location for the proposed lot line adjustment. Explaining that the well is a liability for the town. We would also like to know where the pit tests are. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.

Mary departed at 8:50pm.

1.      New Hampshire Community Forestry Advisory Council.
Peter discussed ideas on how we could gain money for our Conservation Fund. He suggested using timber cost to put back into our account to gain additional Conservation Land. Another advantage for limited cutting is that the woodlands will overall benefit when they are managed. Peter will look further into this.
2.      Newton Planning Board- Notice of Decision T&M Property Management  
17 North Main Street, Newton NH.
3.      Newton Planning Board to Mike Pivero, Road Agent     
Re: Botches Driveway Permit Tax Map 7/6/9-1.
4.      2008 Budget- Total $3,200.00, Year to Date Expense $1441.72,
      Variance ( $1808.28)
5.      Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union Membership Drive.
6.      Ideal Concrete Block Co.
7.      Newton Planning Board- Re: Amended Notice of Decision- Rosewood Builders
Lot Line adjustment and Subdivision plan for Georges Way.
8.      EPA Superfund Program
9.      Ben Meadows Outdoor Electronics, Fall 2008  
10.     Newton Planning Board Minutes, Technical Review. September 15, 2008.
11.     Rosewood Builders, Georges Way Easement Plan.
        Tax Map 7, Block 3, Lot 14-26 &14-27.

12.     Walnut Farm Road and Puzzle Lane. Tax Map 13, Block 3, Lot 8-6.
       Tax Map 14,    Block 1, Lot 27-4. Lot Line Adjustment Plan.  Site walk is  
        planned for September 20, 2008.  

Busch Farms:  Trisha made a motion for Peter to hire Russell Estabrook to mow the                         
                          Busch Farm, with total cost not to exceed $1000.00.  
                          Pat Seconded. All in Favor.        

Land:  Members discussed purchasing signs to mark town owned land.  

Scenic Roads:  Trisha will talk to Mike Pivero to see if he plans on paving the
                           Towns scenic roads. Before a scenic road can be paved it needs to be   
                            Voted on by Conservation.  
New Business:  Peter made a motion to draft a warrant article for a Water District preventing a water franchise. Pat Seconded. All in favor.

Other Business:  Peter discussed ideas on how we could gain money for our conservation fund. Use timber cost to put back into our account to gain more conservation land. Another advantage is that woodlands overall benefit when they are managed. Peter will look further into this.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther