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August 14, 2008 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Peter Mears, Chairperson  (603) 548-4417
        Nancy Slombo    , Vice Chairperson
        Selectmen’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Alicia Raddatz  Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Tim Brennan     
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for August 14, 2008

Attending were:
Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson,  Sandy Estabrook
Guest: Shelia Bergeron, Mike Privero

Peter Mears called the meeting to order at 7:35pm
Minutes Review-
Pat made a motion to accept the July 17, 2008 minutes as presented. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.

1.      Urban Forestry Center- Assessment Survey
2.      NH Dept. Revenue- Notice of Intent to Excavate- Tax, Map, Block 14-01-24
185 South Main Street.
3.      CBI Non Residential Site plan. – Construction of a shed and expansion of the      
An email will be sent to Planning Board with our concerns of snow storage and the Aquifer protection zone.
4.      Gibbs Construction, Inc. Invoice $1,000.00 Busch Property.
Peter made a motion to Pay Gibbs Construction, Inc the sum of $1000.00 for work done on the Busch Property.  We would also like to thank him for the donation to the town. Trisha seconded. All in Favor.
5.      Newton Planning Board Minutes 7-22-08
6.      Newton Planning Board Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes 7-21-08
7.      Town owned inventory list submitted by 9-4-08.
8.      NH Legislative Bulletin 7-2008
9.      Sexual Harassment / Discrimination Training.
10.      Payroll Policy
11.     Parking Ordinance -Town Hall Road
12.     Ben Meadows Catalogue
13.     DES Guidelines Review. Lake Management and Shoreline Protection Plan.
14.     2008 Budget Expenditures. Total $3250.00 Year to Date Exp. $1223.40 Variance ($2026.60)
15.     Selectmen’s Office- New Fuel Reimbursement Rate.
16.     Selectmen’s Minutes- July 28, 2008.
17.     Letter from Heath Street Resident regarding Scenic Roads. The board discussed looking into having signs made up identifying Scenic Roads. Sandy will look into pricing and report back to the board at our next meeting.
18.     Murel Ingalls of Kingston Lake Association, Inc. Meeting held 8-20-08
19.     DES Wetlands and Non- Site Specific Permit Robert Larochelle, Rosewood Builders, LLC. Georges Way, Newton Tax Map 7/14-26

Busch Farms:
1. Pat made a motion for Peter to handle the beaver problem at the Busch Farm. Trisha Seconded. All in Favor.

Old Business:
1.      Sand and Salt Storage Shelter- Peter began the discussion announcing that after much consideration he has second thoughts locating the sand and salt storage shelter at the parcel of land adjacent to the Transfer Station. Due to the fact that in this same location is also an Aquifer Protection Zone. By giving our consent to this location we are sending the wrong message to the residents. Pat feels that this could pose future potential problems, since salt dissolves and travels quickly.  Trisha had told the board that the entire Transfer Station is with in an Aqua Protection Center and the wells are frequently monitored.  Members of the board had questioned hiring out to another company. Trisha explained that even though it is an option it is expensive and a special assessment may be needed in order to pay for another company to handle the storage and transport of the sand and salt. Where as funds are available to construct the storage shelter on town owned land. Conservation Members reviewed maps of Town owned land to see if any other locations would be most beneficial.
Road Agent Mike Privero arrived at 8:00pm.
Members addressed their questions and concerns to Mike.  Peter asked if it is possible to use only sand with out the use of salt? Mike responded by saying that by only using sand, and eliminating salt could jepordize the safety of the roads and by spring the  catch basins will be full of sand. Pat is concerned with salt spills on the side of the road. Mike said that even though spills can happen he will make sure they are cleaned up. Mike showed the members the proposed site plan and explained that the structure will look similar to the storage shelter at I-93 and I-495. Peter mentioned locating the shelter on the Busch Farm. Mike believes that location is too wet. Peter questioned the Commercial to Residential Setbacks. Trisha told him its 200 feet, however since it’s a shed there is different criteria to follow. Pat told the board that we should set our objectives; the Shelter will be built on an aquifer; may not meet setback requirements including setbacks from the well.  Members agreed that the town should test the abutter’s wells before any construction takes place. Peter would like to see another location for the shelter. Trisha explained that this particular location is really our only option, most suitable size, already a Transfer Station with monitoring wells, and funding is available. Mike mentioned that the shelter would be a strong structure that is covered.
Trisha appreciated all viewpoints of the discussion however as Selectmen liaison in her opinion in the best interest of the town to move forward with constructing the shelter on the parcel of land adjacent to the Transfer Station. The town will continue to monitor the wells as they do now. Mike explained that all sand and salt will be stored inside the covered shelter.

Pat made a motion to amend our opinion from letter written to  the Selectmen on November 1, 2007 and to Planning Board on July 17, 2008.
1.      We are not comfortable with the shelter constructed on an aquifer.
2.      Not comfortable with the setbacks in close proximity to residential property.
3.      We want to make sure all abutter’s wells meet setback requirements and boundary lines.
4.      We recommend a baseline testing on abutter’s wells prior to construction.
Sandy Seconded the motion. Peter Abstained. Trisha opposed. All in Favor. No Discussion.

Mike departed at 8:35pm.

New Business:

1.      Peter made a motion to recommend asking the Selectmen to appoint  Sheila Bergeron’s to the conservation commission, as an alternate. Term Expiring on August 18, 2009. Trisha Seconded. All in Favor.

Other Business:
1.      Received a copy of book we ordered, Knowing Your Territory.
2.      Trisha received a phone call from the Wilder’s Grove Cottage Association informing her that the Country Pond Party will be soon and  the water level is too high.
3.      Discussed participating in the annual Fall Family Fair and starting thinking of ideas. An email will be sent to Lisa, letting her know that Conservation would love to participate in the fair this year.

Meeting Adjourned at  9:35pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther