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April 3, 2008 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz  , Vice Chairperson
        Selectmen’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears     Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Tim Brennan     Kim Valliant
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for April 3, 2008

Attending were:
Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo,  

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:45pm
Minutes Reviewed
Nancy made a motion to accept the March 20, 2008 minutes as presented.


1.      Almetek Industries, Inc.  EviroDome Storm Drain Markers
2.      Newton Planning Board, Abutter’s Notice for CBI located on  22 Whittier Street, Tax Map 6, Block 13, Lot 2.  Public Hearing scheduled for April 8, 2008.
While discussing the proposed construction of CBI, Nancy expressed her concerns with the Aquifer Protection Zone.
Trisha had left a note on Lisa Babcock’s desk requesting a new set of plans that include the Aquifer and the Use Regulations of the aquifer.  
3.      Gove Environmental Services, Inc.  Luke Hurley, Wetland Scientist, Regarding proposed Driveway Crossing, Whittier Street, Tax Map 6, Block 13, Lot 2.  NH Dept. of Environmental Services Wetland Bureau Dredge and Fill Application.
4.      Newton Planning Board Minutes March 25, 2008
5.      TopoLogix GIS Associates, LLC-  Geographic Information Systems digital mapping.
Pat made a motion to purchase maps from TopoLogix GIS Associates spending up to $275.00.  Peter Seconded. All in Favor.
6.      Newton Planning Board, Re: Technical Review Committee meeting on the 3rd Monday of each month at 3:30pm inviting a representative from our committee to attend the meetings.
7.      Legislative Bulletin, March 21, 2008
8.      Revised April Vendor Bill Manifest Dates April 14 & April 28
9.      Merrimac Savings Bank. Balance as of March 31, 2008 is $125,272.61.

Busch Farms: Trisha will contact Frank Gibbs asking for a quote for a parking lot.

Pat made a motion to receive an official estimate from Frank Gibbs, not to exceed $1000.00.  

Other Business:
1.      Discussed Sargent Woods and Aquifer Issues Regarding the Hampstead Area Water Company. The board strongly agrees that we need to be represented by an attorney that specializes in these issues. A letter will be sent to the board of Selectmen opposing this Franchise and to protect our aquifer in the best interest to our residents.
2. Nancy made a motion to pay our Annual Dues to pay NH Association of Conservation Commissions. Pat Seconded. All in Favor.

3. Peter made a motion to give Kim Lowther a merit increased of one grade and one step based on her performance. Nancy Seconded. All in Favor.
4. During the end of the meeting members voted on some changes to the      commission.

-Nancy made a motion to appoint Peter the Conservation Chairperson. Trisha seconded. All in Favor.
-Pat made a motion to appoint Nancy as Conservation Vice Chairperson. Peter Seconded. All in Favor.
-Trisha made a motion to appoint Kimberly Lowther as an alternate as needed. Peter Seconded. All in Favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowther