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January 3, 2008 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz  , Vice Chairperson
        Selectmen’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears     Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Tim Brennan     Kim Valliant
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for January 3, 2008

Attending were:
Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo,  Tim Brennan,
 Sandy Estabrook
Guest: Percy Wonson

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:40pm
Minutes Review- Nancy made a motion to accept November 1, 2007 minutes as presented.  Seconded by Peter. All in Favor. No Discussion.

1.      Site plan for GTP Newton NH-5023. 85 South Main Street, Newton, NH
Map 13 Block 2 Lot 15.  Father and Son Reality Trust.
Dennis and Todd Fitzgerald, Trustees.
 Proposed 500 Gallon Above Ground LG Tank.
2.      Memo from Nancy Wrigley, Re: Year End Reports
3.      Stormwater Permit Meeting January 8, 2008
4.      Kimberly Hughes, Re: 2008 Vendor Bill Manifest Schedule.
5.      Stormwater Solutions.
6.      Planning Board, Re: Copier Codes
7.      Selectmen’s Minutes for November 19, 2007
8.      Plaistow Wetlands Preservation
9.      NH Local Government Center, Municipal Law Lecture Series Publications.
10.     NHDES, Letter from Coleman McDonough indicating conditions of permit regarding Puzzle Estates, Phase II Tax Map 14 Block 1 Lot 27-1, 27-3 & 27-4. Plans and Application approved on 11-01-07 RSA 485-A:17
     Alteration of Terrain Permit WPS-7953 was issued.
11.     NHDES to C. McDonough RE: Administrative Order No. WD 07-023  
     Wetlands     file No. 2005-02642.  Work did not comply with E.6 requirements
      of the Order.
        -  A letter will be sent to Coleman McDonough asking him to keep the board informed of all work conducted and copies of the restoration that has been done on the property.  

12.     2007 Budget Expenditures. Grand Total $3,250.00.  
      Year to Date    Expense $2,019.23.   Variance $1,230.00.
13.     Culvert Rehabilitation Services. Letter describing services offered.
14.     EPA Pamphlet. What You Should Know About Safe Winter Roads and the Environment.
15.      Merrimack Savings Bank Statement. 8-31-07  Balance $113, 139.00
16.      Merrimack Savings Bank Statement. 9-30-07  Balance $113,405.60
17.     Merrimack Savings Bank Statement. 10-31-07  Balance $113,709.19
18.     Merrimack Savings Bank – Stewart Committee 8-31-07 Balance $11,120.39
19.     Merrimack Savings Bank – Stewart Committee 9-30-07 Balance $ 11,146.50
20.     Merrimack Savings Bank – Stewart Committee 10-31-07 Balance $11,176.34
21.      Mary Winglass,  Re: winter sand and salt storage
22.     Newton Planning Board Minutes November 13, 2007
23.     Newton Planning Board Minutes November 27, 2007
24.     Newton Planning Board Minutes December 13, 2007
25.      Letter from Mary Winglass in Response to our Inquiry regarding the Surette Property at 17 Heath Street, Newton. Attached to the response is a copy of the subdivision plan, and the Deeds for the Surette and the Marden property.
26.     Newton Planning Board, Re: Grey Barn Boatworks , Amesbury Road, Newton. Material Safety Data Sheets ate attached. Received Conditional Approval on November 13, 2007
27.     Newton Planning Board, Notice of Decision regarding William Colbert, Grey Barn Boatworks
28.      Plans for Grey Barn Boatworks, 14 Amesbury Road, Newton, NH. Attached to 16 Amesbury Road. Map 10 Block 7 Lot 20.1
29.     Ben Meadows Catalogue
30.     Memo from Andrea regarding tax bill.
- Trisha explained to the board that according to Ray Thayer we told that the liens in place would no longer be an issue since the Conservation Commission is a tax-exempt entity.

Busch Farms:
-       Trisha announced that the Boy Scouts Jamboree would be held at the Busch Farm in May.
-       Bio Monitoring Day- Discussed possible changes for next years event.

Trails: -An email will be sent to Planning Board regarding the status of the Whittier Development/ Marra Property/ Marley Builders Tax Map 6 Block 9 Lots 9-4, 9-5. Conservation had previously questioned the location of the pins on the Peanut Trail side.

Old Business:
Discussed Scott Boches plans for development, the several complaints received from residents, and the numerous lot line discrepancies. Conservation had previously written a letter of support based on the information that we were given. At that time Conservation was in favor for development. However since the Conservation Committee was unaware of all the other issues that had surfaced, including numerous lot line disputes and insufficient facts, the board had decided to withdraw our support for the proposed project at this time. A letter of rescind will be sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  

New Business:
-A letter of request will be sent to Planning Board asking them to keep us informed of the changes made to CBI on Whittier Street.
Other Business:
Sandy returned the Internal Assessment Report to Trisha that was filed.


Meeting Adjourned at  9:00  pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther