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October 4, 2007 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz  , Vice Chairperson
        Selectman’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears     Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Tim Brennan     Kim Valliant
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for October 4, 2007
Unscheduled Public Meeting

Attending were:
Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Nancy Slombo, Sandy Estabrook

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm
Minutes Review- Trisha made a motion to except minutes as presented.
Nancy Seconded.

1.      Plans for Tax Map 6 BLK 2 Lot 4 –
Transfer of 6411 S.F. of land from the Boston and Maine Corporation to the Costos Family Trust who will transfer property  to Donna L Silva- Fortuna and Scott D. Alexander.
2.      Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. 150 Dow Street, Manchester, NH 03101
Re: 2008 Local Government Center Annual Conference.
3.      Ben Meadows Fall Edition 2007 Catalogue.
4.      2007 Budget Expenditures. Grand Total $3,250.00. Year to Date Expense $1,115.66. (Variance $2,134.34.)  
5.      Town of Newton Office of the Selectmen- Letter to State of New Hampshire, Dept. of Environmental Services.
Re: Proposed Draw down of Powwow Pond, in East Kingston.
6.   Letter from Newton Conservation Commission to Powwow Pond Council.
7.      Newton Planning Board Minutes of Public Hearing, September 11, 2007.
8.      UNH Cooperative Extension. Workshop held on October 4&11, 2007- Landscaping at the Water’s Edge.
9.      Town of Newton Office of the Selectmen- Meeting Agenda for September 10, 2007
10.     Storm water Solutions, Environmental Products and Systems.
Re: Controlling Bacteria and Hydrocarbons in Storm water Run-offs with Smart Sponge Plus.
11.     NH D.E.S Watershed Assistance requesting Pre-Proposals for 2008 Watershed Restoration and Watershed Assistance Grants.
12.     Memo – Local Government offering ‘Flu Vaccine’ for Departments, Committees and Commissions.   
13.      State of NH, Dept. of Resources and Economic Development  Division of Park and Recreation. Re: Grant Round 23
14.     Newton Planning Board Minutes for September 25, 2007
15.     Selectman’s Meeting Agenda, September 25, 2007
Busch Farms:
Committee discussed trail maintenance and animal control issues.
Peter Mears and Frank Gibbs will continue to maintain trails.
Old Business:
Expenses from Family Day at Greenie Park-
$90.00 - Gift Certificates to RCO’s,
$18.93 – Olympia Sports
$21.45- Party Rama
Nancy made a motion to pay Trisha $180.38 for expenses listed above. Peter Seconded. All in Favor.
New Business:
Reviewed budget for 2008.
Other Business:
Sent Dennis Quintell a letter regarding Mr. Johnson’s property located on Pond Street, requesting a copy of the dredge and fill plan.
Meeting Adjourned at  9:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther