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June 7, 2007 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz, Vice Chairperson
        Selectman’s Representative: Trisha McCarthy
        Secretary Kimberly Lowther
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears     Pat Wonson
        Sandy Estabrook Tim Brennan
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for June 7, 2007

Attending were:
Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo, Alicia Raddatz,
Sandy Estabrook, Tim Brennan
        Guests: Coleman McDunna and Frank Gibbs

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:40pm

Minutes Review from May 17, 2007.
Under New Business, change donating the telescope to lending the telescope.
Trisha will check the policy on lending town property to the Elementary School.
Peter made a motion to except minutes as amended.
Tim Seconded. All in Favor
Trisha abstained.

1. NHDES- Alteration of Terrain Program  
Re: DES File No. 070525-01 Map/ Lot no. 14/27-3.  Proposed large commercial building and parking. RSA 485-A :17 Alteration of Terrain approx 175,000 Square feet. Conservation Committee will comment on this because they are concerned with the appearance and water issues.
2. Newton Planning Board, Notice of Decision- Peaslee Crossing Road  Condition of
 Approval has been extended for 6 months.
3. Rinker Materials software- Stormceptor. Trisha will watch DVD and share her thoughts with the Conservation Committee.
4. Woodard  & Curran Spring Issue 2007 Issue.
5. Knowing the Territory, A Survey of Municipal Law for New Hampshire Local
Officials 2007 Edition.

6. NPDES PII Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report for period
April 1, 2006- March 31, 2007.
7. NH Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin May 18, 2007
8. NH Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin May 25, 2007
9. NH Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin June 1, 2007
Busch Farms:  1.Bio Monitoring Day is scheduled for tomorrow, June 8, 2007. Trisha McCarthy, Alicia Raddatz, Mary Marshall, and Nancy Slombo will attend.
Discussed plans for event.
                2. Alicia made a motion to pay $100.00 for the Bus and Authorized Trisha to pay First Student up to $200.00 as soon as the invoice is delivered to the Conservation Committee. Pat Seconded. All in Favor. No Discussion.
Alicia had left the meeting at 8:25pm.
1.Pat Wonson purchased reflective tape and gave Trisha a receipt for materials. Trisha made a motion to pay Pat $70.25 for reimbursement of reflective tape. Tim Seconded. All in Favor. No Discussion.

Wetland Cases: Nothing to report at this time.

Old Business: Nothing to report at this time.

New Business: .
1.      Frank Gibbs attended the meeting to discuss an agreeable location to dispose of road, catch basin, and culvert material. A decision was made to continue to transport  all of the above to the Transfer Station in the area currently being used that is not near the wetlands.
2.      Frank Gibbs also discussed Maple Avenue, because it is a scenic road and comes under the jurisdiction of the conservation commission. He explained that there are a couple of areas where the shoulder needs to be extended beyond the 17 feet, and culvert repair. Conservation did not see a problem as long as there were no trees to be cut. The Conservation Committee understands that there are flooding and safety issues that need to be addressed. Frank explained that the culvert would need to be extended. Trisha wants the road to remain scenic and does not want it to look like Dugway Road.  It was asked if these improvements had anything to do with the Gavin Subdivision. Frank said no. This is just Maple Ave road work. Frank said that if that if the Gavin Subdivision get the  approval from Planning Board, there are some trees at the entrance of the subdivision that will need to be removed, Along with part of the stonewall. Conservation asked to have the trees marked and they would perform a site walk before any cutting could take place. This was discussed at a previous meeting with Dennis Quintell. ( refer to minutes of May 17, 2007 Under Correspondence number 13.) The Engineer for the Gavin Subdivision would have to come to the Conservation Committee with updated plans.

Other Business: Coleman McDunna should copies of plans; Newton Tax Map 14 BL Lot 27-3 to discuss a minor accident on his project. A 12-inch ADS pipe had fell down causing the silt fence to collapse, crossing on Lot 4.  He explained that since the pipe fell upstream, sediment did not get into the wetlands. New silt fence had been installed and pictures were shown of the repairs made on the site.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:40  pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther