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February 1, 2007 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz  , Vice Chairperson      
           Mary Marshall             Pat Wonson
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears
        Kim Vaillant            
        Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Secretary Kimberly Lowther
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for February 1, 2007

Attending were: Trisha McCarthy, Mary Marshall, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:38

Minutes Review
Mary made a motion to accept minutes from January 18, 2007
Peter Seconded
All in Favor

Guest           Charlie Zilch
                Re: Rosewood Builders
                Tax Map Block 3  Lots 14, 14-20, 14-21, 14-22
                Georges Way Subdivision Proposal re:trail
Newton, NH
                        -New Hampshire Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin
                        -Flood Lines, Office of Energy and Planning  NFIP Newsletter
                        -Rockingham County Adult Medical Day Program

Busch Farms:    Nothing to report at this time.
Trails:           Nothing to report at this time.

Land Acquisition:       -Trisha left message with  Attorney for the closing on Wilder’s Grove Cottage Association.
Wetland Cases:  _      Nothing to report at this time.

Old Business:           1.-Peter will give Conservation Commission a bill for cleaning   Currierville Road. This has been voted on and accepted at a previous meeting, held on January 4, 2007
                2.-Review Conservation Values.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.  Work on priorities for land acquisition or easements.   

New Business: Nothing to report at this time.

Other Business:   Discussion of remodeling meeting room and painting.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther