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November 16, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
PO Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz          Mary Marshall
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears
        Kim Vaillant                          Pat Wonson
        Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for November 16, 2006

Attending were: Trisha McCarthy, Alicia Raddatz, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo, Kim Vaillant

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:43pm

Minutes Review from November 2, 2006
        Pat Wonson’s name was added to Committee Members.
        Peter made motion to accept minutes
        Seconded by Pat Wonson
        All in Favor

Guest-  Abutter to S&R Construction Project, located on addressStreetHoward Lane.
Abutter has concerns with the activity on site. Conservation Committee is concerned with protecting the aquifers and wetlands. Trisha will contact S&R Construction Company tomorrow to seek permission to schedule a  site walk on November 18,2006 at 3:00pm.
Some of the other concerns were not related to the Conservation Committee. These should be directed to the Planning Board.
1.      The attorney is still waiting for a closing check.
2.      The invoice for Busch Farms was $700.00 This was previously voted and approved for payment.
Services were provided by;
addressStreet277 Elm Street  Amesbury, Ma 01913
Ph: (508)450-8056 Fax:  (978)462-2062
3.  2007 Budget was approved by the Board of Selectman.

Busch Farms:
        Potential Construction trailer on Busch Farms. Peter Mears will investigate.
Committee has yet to receive a response pertaining to the iron stake located on the MARA side of the Peanut Trail. Trisha will contact Jim LaValle.

Land Acquisition:
Trisha advised the committee that the closing of Wilder Groves Cottage Association is approximately scheduled for next week.

Wetland Cases:
1.      Alicia Raddatz will look into the possibility of wetlands on 15 and addressStreet17 North Main Street. A complaint may be filed to D.E.S.
2.      Trisha received a phone call from potential home buyers of addressStreet46 Wilders Grove Road, questioning the installation of a septic system. Since this still needs to be approved by the state, Trisha directed the call to Jim LaValle.   
3.      Stewardship noticed during a site walk (at Mr. Reynolds Farm) potential  of Horse Manure run off possibly traveling into a pond.
Old Business:
1.      Stormwater Management: A copy of the E.P.A pamphlet #150 could not be located.
2.      Alicia Raddatz made motion for Trisha to spend up to $150.00 to educate the public on Stormwater management.
Pat Wonson Seconded.
All in Favor
3.      Trisha led a discussion on educating school age children about water    management, which would involve multiple grade levels, where the older grade level would teach the younger children.
4.      Peter Mears mentioned the idea of placing an advertisement for the Society For Protection of New Hampshire Forester Camp. Each applicant would be required to write an essay before a decision would be made.
5.      Trisha commented on the Stormwater Management meeting she had attended. The meeting was informative and an excellent source of information.

New Business:
Nothing to report at this time.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly White Lowther, Secretary