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November 2, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz          Mary Marshall
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears
        Kim Vaillant
        Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for November 2, 2006

Attending were: Trisha McCarthy, Mary Marshall, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo

Meeting Started at 7:40pm

Minutes review from October 19, 2006
Mary Marshall made motion to accept minutes with the following amendment in the Old Business part of the minutes pertaining to the LCHIP Adoption of Resolutions adding the language of the adoption resolutions it to the minutes.  It shall read:

WHEREAS the Newton Conservation Commission has reviewed Land Trust Standards and Practices, published by the Land Trust Alliances in 2004:  AND
WHEREAS the Newton Conservation Commission agrees that Land Trust Standards and Practices, are the ethical and technical guidelines for the responsible land conservation activities pf a municipality:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Newton Conservation Commission hereby adopts the sections of the that Land Trust Standards and Practices relevant to municipalities as guidelines for its land conservation activities and commits to making continual progress toward implementation of these.

Signed by the Conservation Chair & Date Adopted is 10/19/06
Mary Marshall made motion to accept as amended
Seconded Nancy Slombo
All in favor
The above referenced signed document is attached
1.      Memo from Technical Review Committee
Meeting November 6 at 3:30pm
2.      Memo from Selectman, Town of Newton
Re: Computer, Electronic Mail and Internet Access Policy.
3.      Memo from D.E.S.
Re:  Groundwater Management Permit Application Renewal Addendum for the Newton 108 General Store.

Busch Farms:
1.      Peter and Trisha are getting estimates for a Busch Farm mower for the access road of Busch Farms.
2.      Trisha noticed several trees cut down near the entrance to Busch Farms by the abutters’ fence. Fence may not be on property line and owner of abutters will be contacted for reassurance.

Discussion on Peanut Trail located off Whittier Street. There may be an iron stake on the MARA side of the Peanut Trail. The stake is located on the farthest most corner of the sub-division bordering the Peanut Trail. A site walk will be conducted to investigate on Sunday, November 5, 2006 at 10:00am.

Land Acquisition:
1.      Conservation Commission purchased 33+ acres from Brogner on
October 31, 2006.

Mary Marshall made a motion to pay $1,248.39 to Elite Title Services from the Conservation Fund for closing & recording costs on the Brogner property.
Nancy Slombo Seconded
All in Favor
2.      Trisha advised that we will be closing on the Wilder’s Grove Cottage Association next week.  We already voted to pay closing costs and the tax liens on this property, so no need to vote again.

Wetland Cases:
1.       There have been many complaints in regards to 15 and 17 North Main Street.
            (a) Trisha called Alicia to conduct a soil test.
(b) Trisha will call Homeowner of 17 North Main Street to get    permission for   a soil test.  

Old Business:
1.      Stormwater Management:  The conservation commission will look for the  
E.P.A pamphlet #150 that needs to be purchased as stated our Stormwater     Management Policy. Mary Marshall will attempt to locate pamphlet
2.      Trisha read the Quarterly report that was given to the Selectmen.
3.      The Law Lecture Series in Manchester, NH. Is scheduled for November 15, 16, & 17th of 2006.  The classes on the 16th pertain to conservation issues and Stormwater management.  Trisha wanted to know if anyone would like to go?

Mary Marshall made motion that we pay $40.00 for Trisha to attend a one day seminar on the 16th
Seconded Pat Wonson
All in favor

4.      Building Inspector, Mike DiBartolomeo joined the meeting.
(a)     We discussed shoreline protection
(b)     We gave him copies of, A Guide to Developing Shoreland Property in New Hampshire.

New Business:
1.Committee discussed 2007 Budget. The Budget is $3,250 and is the same total as in 2006 although amounts in the line items were moved around.
A copy of the budget will be given to the Board of Selectmen

Trisha made motion to accept Budget as prepared
Peter Mears Seconded
All in Favor

2.  Discussion on Maintaining Conservation Parcels.  

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly White Lowther