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August 17, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858
August 17th, 2006


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 7:40 with Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo, John Ulcickas and Mary Marshall present.

Minutes:  None to approve.   The meeting of August 8th had no quorum.

New Business:

                Mary read a memo from Kim  regarding the agenda item: Coleman McDonough which explains the requirement by the Planning Board of Mr. McDonough to have a mitigation plan for the overcut on lot 4 approved by the Conservation Commission prior to obtaining an approval on lot 3 of the Puzzle Lane project.

                Mr. McDonough presented the Commission with a map of the Lot 4 showing the area which had been cut and the list of trees that had been planted.   He also offered the opinion that the setback of 200 feet was unrealistic or that the same setback be required universally.   Ms. Slombo pointed out how difficult a 200 foot setback would be when the width of a residential lot is only required to be 150 feet.   Ms. Marshall asked when the trees had been planted and Mr. McDonough replied, “about two months ago.”  Ms. Slombo asked about what had been planted for undergrowth.   Mr. Mc Donough replied with a reading of the list of what had been planted and indicated they would plant more.

        Ms. Marshall motioned that the chair write a memo to the Planning Board after a site walk.   The motion was seconded by Nancy Slombo and the motion carried unanimously.   Ms. Marshall will contact Tricia to let her know to set up a site walk with Mr. McDonough.

  Family Fun Day:   Nancy Slombo suggested that the Conservation Commission sponsor a mountain bike race over the trails at Greeney Park.   This will be brought up for discussion at the first meeting in September.


NH Arborist Society application for beautification project.
Minutes from Planning Board Meeting
Report on Budget
Memo from Bookkeeper forwarding concerns by the auditor about supporting documentation for payments.

Land Acquisition:

Debrogna/Defeo:  The Planning Board would like to confer with town attorney about creating a non-conforming lot.   Although towns do not have to pay attention to the zoning ordinance, John thought the Board of Selectmen would have a hard time advocating that avenue.   Mary Marshall made a motion that the Conservation Commission pay for legal advice for the Planning Board relative to creating a non-confirming lot for Conservation purposes.   Nancy Slombo seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

Woodhouse:   The Commission will contact Mr. Woodhouse to determine a time to walk the trolley track that is being suggested as a donation to the town.

Wetlands:   There was discussion about whether the filling on North Main Street was in wetlands.   Nancy suggested that we find the subdivision plan for the property next to the filling to see if we can find the soil types.   We will look for the plan before the next meeting.

Trails:  Nothing to report.

Busch Farm: Nothing to report

Other:  John reported that EEE was found in a mosquito found on 57 North Main Street.   This mosquito was identified as being the type that bites birds.

Adjournment:  Nancy motioned to adjourn at 8:20.   Seconded by PatWonson, carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Marshall, recorder