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May 18, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858
May 18th, 2006

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Tricia McCarthy at 7:35.   Present were Alicia Raddatz, Patricia Wonson, Nancy Slombo, Peter Mears, Mary Marshall, and Tricia Mc Carthy.

Tricia explained that she had to attend a play at Memorial School so we jumped to the Des permit for Dennis Fitzgerald to construct a new dam on map7, block 4, lot 5.   Mary will contact Dennis to find out where the dam is located and who will maintain the dam when the development is completed.

We then reviewed a dredge and fill for map 6, block 9, lot 9.   This is a wetlands crossing for the road.   We reviewed the plan, noting that the water currently running down the peanut trail comes from wetlands further back in the development.   This crossing will not have an impact on the flooding situation.   The conservation commission did not have to submit an opinion on this permit as it is not expedited.

Tricia then reported that she had talked with David Brogna about his land on Whittier Street.   He is will to sell the Town 34 acres of backland and he will keep three houselots on the street.   He is looking for an offer from the Commission.   Tricia also reported that a builder is interested in buying the property from Brogna.   Tricia will make an offer of $1000.00/acre for the 34 acres with the understanding that this would be $2000.00 below assessed value, thus creating a tax deduction of approximately $70,000 from the capital gains made on the sale of the houselots on the street.

Review of Minutes May 4th:

Mary motioned, Pat seconded that we approved the minutes as printed.  Unanimous in the affirmative, with two abstentions.


We have a balance in Merrimack Savings Bank of $174, 019.79.
Selectmen's meeting agenda for 5/1/06 and 5/18/06 with minutes for 5/1/06.
        Legislative bulleting for 5/5/06 and 5/12/06
        Des permit for Dennis Fitzgerald to construct dam for retention pond at Fitzgerald Estates.
        Copy of Dredge and Fill Permit for John Marra.


Old Business:

Wetland Cases:

9 Brookside Drive:
Peter showed the Commission some pictures he had taken in the wetland behind Brookside Drive showing the filling of wetlands including a culvert.
The fill appears to have come from 9 Brookside even though the wetland may not be on their property.   Mary Marshall motioned that we contact DES about illegal filling of wetlands at #9 Brookside Drive, supplying the pictures.  Alicia seconded.   Passed unanimously.

62 Thornell Road.  Tricia reported that the health inspector had made a site walk at 62 Thornell Road and found that there was soil on the bank rather than manure.   Tricia reported to the home owner that the Commission is satisfied there was no manure dumping.

62 Crane Crossing: DES file #2005-20592 has been closed with a letter stating that the property had come into compliance.

54 Crane Crossing: Letter of compliance was received stating that the problems have been resolved and the file closed.

Busch Farm:

A letter from the principal of Memorial School thanking the Commission for a wonderful day at the Conservation Land and the biomonitoring experience.   The commission discussed ways to improve the experience for next year by collecting samples from other streams to take to the school for the students to analyze before going to the Busch Farm for their field experience.  Alicia moved, Nancy seconded, that Tricia send a letter of thanks to Michael Seekamp for a job well done.     We will be getting an invoice for the buses for $199.00.   Alicia will contact the fifth grade teachers to find out how the activity unfolded when the students returned to school asking for suggestions for next year.

Japanese knotweed is growing around the fill brought in by the Road Crew.   It is very invasive and can grow six inches a day.  The commission discussed capping the fill with fabric with staples or wood chips to hold it down.  Peter suggested that perhaps Continental BioMass could supply us with some wood chips.   Peter will make the request.   He also suggested that we contact the County Extension Service for advice on eradication and supply of materials.   Nancy suggested that we ask Frank to grade the fill to a much lower height, then we cap it.   Peter suggested covering the fabric with reprocessed asphalt.  Alicia will call Ag Extension.   Alicia moved that Tricia send a letter to selectmen informing them of:
the invasive knotweed coming into the Busch Farm with the road scraping
 that we do not want anymore fill brought to the Busch Farm
we are seeking advice
we will be getting back to them on what we want to do.

 Mary seconded the motion.   The motion passed unanimously.

Land Acquisition:

        See early discussion of land belonging to David Brogna at beginning of meeting.


        Nancy reported that the Boy Scouts have not been down the Peanut Track yet and that there is some water running down the trail from the flooding in the area.  The dam is pretty open, the pipes are on the downstream side.   There is very little trash.

Peter reported on the Hadley Road Property.   He had gone to inspect a reported tree stand.   He thinks it is a tree house rather than tree stand.   The site had a fire pit which is problematic.   Mary will contact residents of Fernwood Drive to determine if the ‘builders’ come from that area and to request parental control, especially of the fire.


The meeting adjourned at 9:20.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Marshall, recorder