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May 4, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson   home# 382-1668) email: 
Alicia Raddatz        Mary Marshall    Pat Wonson  
Nancy Slombo        Peter Mears         Kim Vaillant       
Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Minutes for 05/04/06

Attending were: Chairperson-Trisha McCarthy, Mary Marshall,  Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo, John Ulcickas

Review of Minutes:  from  April 20, 2006
Motion to accept:  by Pat Wonson
Second by Nancy Slombo
Abstained by John Ulcickas and Trisha McCarthy
All in favor

1.      Flyer on Educational Series re: 2006 Tree Steward and Earth Team
URBAN forestry Center, Portsmouth, NH $50.00 for 40 hrs of volunteer time
2.      Flyer from Newton Master Plan Committee (meetings Sunday 5/7/06 from 2-4
Newton Town Hall and 5/21/06 2-4 Horace Williams Hall
3.      Selectmen’s Meeting from 4/17/06
4.      Legislative Bulletin 4/21/06 and 4/28/06
5.      UNH Cooperative Extension training program  (community forestry)
6.      DES notice re: Wetlands file#2006-00814 Tom Hansen, 40 Marcoux Rd
Application will be reviewed by DES and decision made within 30 days
7.      Memo from Kimberly Hughes re: vendor bills.  Reminder to submit    
       Supporting documentation
8.      DES notice re: Wetland file#2006-00901  Robert Woodhouse, Peaslee
Crossing Rd.  Dredge & Fill Permit  (they will review for compliance re:
RSA chapter 482A and Wetlands Program Code of Administrative Rules
The conservation commission reviewed this and found minimum impact.
9.      Memo from Newton Recreation re: Fall Event 9/30/06
Newton Family Fall Fair, looking for participation.  We will help out.
10.     Newton Planning Board memo re: work session 4/25/06 7:00pm

1.      Peanut Trail: Nancy reports a tree down (We will ask Boy Scouts to help)
2.      Culvert is clogged.  We will arrange a work party to go down and clean it out.
Mary and Pat will call us when they are ready to go out
3.      Trisha informed everyone that the Boy Scouts are looking to help with us.
It was decided that she would ask them to help clean up brush and clip back Peanut Trail and Busch Farm trails.  Trisha also said they could make signs and it was suggested by Mary to have them take a look at the Marshall House sign on Wallace St. to get idea of what we would want.

Wetland Cases:      
1.  John & Constance Marra and Marley Builders
        Whittier Street,  Tax Map 6, Block 9, Lot 9
Nancy brought set of plans given to her by Ann Miles for review.  This is a preliminary subdivision plan for a proposed five-lot subdivision on Whittier Street.  

2.      62 Crane Crossing… DES Wetland Bureau Compliance file #2005-02592 Newton Tax map 7, lot 3 block 65 Owners Schena & Canney)   It has been stated that work has been completed.  It was decided that Trisha would send a memo to DES
and request a letter stating same.

        3.   It was decided that Trisha would request a site walk at 62 Thornell Road to determine if there is a wetland violation.  She will also contact the Health Agent.

Old Business:  
1.      Ordinance for Town Parks and Recreation Areas
This was discussed and voted on to make the following changes in the Ordinance which will show in bold and underlined (for identifcation):
 #2 should read as follows:
Authority:  In accordance with the authority granted by Chapters 31:39, 35-B and 36-A and any other Chapter or Amendment thereto the NH Revised Statues Annotated, the following ordinance is hereby adopted by the Town of Newton’s’ Board of Selectmen to regulate and enforce the aforementioned Rules and Regulations for it’s parks, commons, conservation land and recreation areas.  These rules and regulations will cover all town parks, conservation land, and recreation areas, both present and future.

#5 should read as follows:  5.  Town  Properties

Item 6 will be changed to:
6.      Conservation Properties:
A.      Use at your own risk
B.      No Unauthorized Motor Vehicles
C.      Overnight Use Requires Permit from Conservation Commission
D.      All Waste and Trash:  Carry in, Carry out

The rest of the items will have to be re-numbered accordingly.
Motion made by Mary for the above changes
Seconded by Nancy
All in favor.

2.      Bio-Monitoring Day at the Busch Farm is scheduled for tomorrow 5/5/06.  Trisha advised everyone that she had purchased color flagging for the different trails and marked them from the beginning of the Busch Farm to each Sample Test Location and placed the signs that the Boy Scouts made to identify sites.  She also contacted Bus Company and gave them the flagging that will be on Rte 108 for them, and confirmed with Chief Streeter to meet the buses at 9:00am.  It was decided to meet at the Busch Farms about 8:30am

3.       Motion made by Mary to give a copy of the “Conserving Your Land” to the following: Bears &  Brogna.  
Second by Pat
All in favor
Mary gave one to the Foy’s

4.      Still working on tax maps and priority properties.  Interested in protecting land between Highland, Wallace, Lower Rd, and Peanut Trail.  Trisha will talk to Nancy Wrigley for names and numbers of various properties.

5.      Discussed 77 North Main St.  It was decided that it would be a huge impact on wetland to gain access from 77 North Main to Busch Farm.  Trisha will let the owners know.

Motion to adjourn by Nancy
Seconded by Pat
All in favor

 Meeting adjourned at pm. 9:45
Respectfully Submitted Trisha McCarthy (Chair)