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February 2, 2006 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson   home# 382-1668) email: 
Alicia Raddatz         Mary Marshall     
Ray Nicol                Pat Wonson         
Nancy Slombo        Peter Mears         
Kim Vaillant       
Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Minutes for 02/02/06

Attending were: Alicia Raddatz, Mary Marshall, Pat Wonson, Peter Mears, and Nancy Slombo,Kim Valliant, John Ulcickas

The meeting was called to order at &:30 by Vice Chair, Alicia Raddatz


 Notice from Rockingham Planning Commission on seminar on ground water resources, Wednesday, February 8th; 2006.

Legislative Bulletin

Bank Statement on Conservation Fund with balance of $171,507.04.

Minutes of Selectmens meeting for January 16th, 2006.

Legal Notice of public hearing on town budget.

Old Business:

        Busch Farm:  

        It was reported that the road agent has  placed at the first culvert ridding the access road of standing water.   The fill at the future parking area has been leveled presenting a flat solid area.

       Trails:   Nancy reported that the culvert under the Peanut Track is open and flowing.  Peter had walked the area last weekend looking for beaver activity and found none.

Campground Expansion:   John Ulcickas reported that the ZBA will meet on February 21st to review the request for expansion of a non-conforming use.   Several members of the Conservation Commission will attend this meeting.

Wetland Cases:   The Conservation Commission received a copy of a letter from DES to 62 Crane Crossing Road outlining corrective measures that the landowner must take to remove fill from the beaver dam by February 13th.    A restoration and erosion control plan must be ready at the same time.

Land Acquisition:

       Fish and Game Club:  The club has not yet voted to donate the land, but this action is anticipated soon.
              Peter will approach a landowner about the parcel off North Main Street which abutts two parcels of Town owned property.

              Alicia Raddatz will contact a landowner on Amesbury Road regarding 10 acres of backland abbuting the State Conservation land.

              Alicia will request a complete copy of the tax maps with owners names from the Selectmens office.   These will be used to develop a plan for land acquisition and protection.

              There have been no new developments on the land owned by the Cottage Association.

New Business:  

A resident of Brookside Lane has complained about the tires in the town woodlands at the transfer station.   The Commission agrees that these present some health hazard and should be removed.   Peter volunteered to help with any work party to bring the tires out of the woods to the recycling area.  

Nancy made motion to adjourn
Seconded by Pat
All in favor

 Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Marshall, Recorder