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August 18, 2005 Conservation Commission meeting minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  email: 
Alicia Raddatz         Mary Marshall     
Ray Nicol                Pat Wonson         
Nancy Slombo        Peter Mears         
Kim Vaillant       
Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Minutes for August 18, 2005

Attending were: Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas,  Chairperson-Trisha McCarthy, Mary Marshall, Pat Wonson,  Kim Vaillant
Chairperson, Trisha McCarthy called meeting  to order at 7:30pm.

7:40 Members Alicia Raddatz and Nancy Slombo arrived

Guest Speakers: Valerie Sutten and Jeff Brown Representing Pro Bark Inc.
Guest Speaker: Gary Nelson speaking on behalf of Babe Ruth League

7:41pm Valerie gave presentation and short video of their product which is for slope stabilization and sediment control using a filter sock instead of silt fence and hay bale.  It was suggested that they also speak to planning board, developers and engineers.  The demonstration was very informative and product seems to be another alternative to traditional sediment control.

7:57 Committee thanked Valerie and Jeff for presentation and they left.
8:00 Gary Nelson spoke to committee on trying to find a piece of land that could be used by recreation for the Babe Ruth League.  He wanted keep us informed as to what they were looking for incase we have land that could be used for this purpose.  The committee will keep recreation committee informed on any land acquisition or land swap that we may come across.
8:15 Committee thanked Gary and he left.

Minutes from 8/4/05 were reviewed
Pat made motion to accept
Seconded by Mary
All in favor

Merrimac Savings Bank has balance of $72,295.12

Busch Farm:
Nothing new at this time

Trails: The gates need to be marked again with orange paint. Trisha will check Amesbury Industrial for price and availability.

Land Acquisition:  Discussion of what is important to Town and Conservation Committee with respect to obtaining land and protecting our environment. We need to get a color copy of Town of Newton existing land use.  We will check with Selectmen to get a copy from the master plan.  We need to look for land that is large and may be next to wet land. It was decided that we will think of criteria for land acquisition and then prioritize it.

Wetland Cases:     Site walk on Patriot Drive was completed.  Insignificant issues pertaining to road run off and culverts.  We have no problem with what is being done there.

Old  Business:   
1.      Discussed the Puzzle Property again specifically open space and any interest in an easement on wetlands.  Discussion on this property included possible protection as a water source for town.  Since it is already a light industrial zone it may make sense.
2.      Still no minutes from Planning Board, so Kim will take care of making sure we get them.

     1.  Alicia said she may have a problem making some of our meetings because of work and family schedules.  We will keep her informed until things slow up for her. 

Nancy made motion to adjourn,
Seconded by Alicia
All in favor

 Meeting adjourned at 9:17.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson