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February 15, 2007 Conservation Commission Agenda
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson   Home Ph: 382-1668     
        Alicia Raddatz, Vice Chairperson
        John Ulcickas, Selectman’s Representative
        Pat Wonson,   Nancy Slombo,   Peter Mears,   Kim Vaillant
        Kimberly Lowther, Secretary

Conservation Commission Agenda
For February 15, 2007

Robert’s Rules of running Meetings:  Remind everyone of our rules for running meetings.

Guest: Speak on their topic and/or issues.

Minutes Reviewed: From previous meeting and then voted on.

Correspondence:    -  
-       2006 Annual Report Southern NH Resource Conservation and     Development Area Council
-       New Hampshire Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin, February 2, 2007
-       New Hampshire Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin, February 9, 2007
-       Selectman’s Meeting Agenda
-       Town of Newton General Ledger Activity Report, Budget Expenditures
-       Wildlife Habitat Mapping Workshop for GIS Users

Busch Farm:


Land Acquisition:

Wetland Cases:

Old Business:

New Business:

Other Business