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April 4, 2013 Cemetery Trustees Minutes

Minutes of Trustee’s April 4, 2013 Meeting

Members present:  Mike Hughes, Bill Landry & Ron Saunders

Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM. at the Newton Fire Station.  Minutes were taken by William Landry.

  • Organization:  
        Mike Hughes was elected Chairman, Bill Landry was elected Bookkeeper and Secretary      and Ron Saunders elected Warden

  • Review 2012 spending Y.T.D. and Annualized Estimate:
        Budget surplus at the end of 2012 was $ 148.65.

  • Review 2013 Budget:
       Expenditures will have to be watched closely whereas, in an effort to be fiscally responsible,  we are operating on the same budget as 2012.

  • Review of headstone placement at rear section of Highland Cemetery:
        With the inclusion of roadways in the rear section of the cemetery, it was determined that
        the most efficient placement of headstones / monuments would be have the front of all
        monuments face the front of the cemetery.  This allows for ease of mowing and engraving
        of the fronts and backs of monuments.

  • Reviewed rule regarding monuments on graves/plots/lots:
Because of the confusion surrounding the use of the terms plots & lots, which may contain
various numbers of graves, it was decided we would speak of individual graves and not lots or plots when discussing grave issues.   It was agreed that one monument may be placed on each grave or centered on multiple graves as long as size restrictions explained in the rules were followed.

  • Grave sale at Willow Grove Cemetery:
        Although the sale of graves at Willow Grove was suspended several years ago due to
             problems with same graves being sold to multiple buyers and incorrect burials having taken

  • Notice of Rule changes regarding placement of grave decorations:
It was decided that we would publish notification of our intent to enforce the rules pertaining to decorations allowed at grave sites.  Notices will be put in the Eagle Tribune and Carriage Towne News, on the Newton Friends and Community Facebook page, sent out on e-mails and certain offenders will receive letters to ensure they are aware of the changes to our rules and our intent to enforce them.  The public will be given until May 15, 2013 to remove items that are in violation.  After the 15th these items will be removed & discarded.

Minutes of Trustee’s April 4, 2013 Meeting (Cont.)

  • Placement of signs explaining permitted and prohibited decorations:
Originally the plan was to install three permanent PVC signs at both Willow Grove and Highland Cemeteries listing the allowed decoration and several examples of the prohibited decorations.  It was decided, due to budget constraints, to place several “temporary” signs at each cemetery until it is determined that the rules have been seen and are being followed.

  • Avenue posts in the back section of Highland.
It was decided to install four Avenue posts, two each on the ends of Ave. J & Ave. K.  This will help delineate rows “E” & “F” which now have interments.  It will also help in locating grave markers when preparing for burials in these rows.

  • Middle School Memorial Day Project:
The trustees were contacted by the Historical Society regarding a Veteran’s project proposed by a committee of Middle School teachers.  The trustees will meet with the committee on April 12 to discuss the project.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

William G. Landry - Secretary
Newton Cemetery Trustees