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September 25, 2016 Cable Committee Minutes
Town of Newton
Newton Cable Committee
PO Box 378 Newton, NH 03858

Date:  September 25, 2016

Call to Order: 6:30pm
Roll Call:      Mary Winglass, Chair, Public Relations/Programmer; Sally Woodman, Secretary; Diane Morin, Station Manager; Marilyn Landry, Vice Chair
Minutes from Previous Meeting of May 20, 2016: Marilyn voted to accept the May 22 minutes as written and Mary seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
Budget: The budget balance as of September 22, 2016 is $2,063.
Correspondence and Communications: Comcast sent a check for $14,437.12 on August 3, 2016 to be deposited into the Cable Revolving Fund.
Review Programing Scheduling: Diane stated that she has removed all old slides.
Unfinished Business:
Upcoming Events:
  • Possible candidate’s night with local and county reps in October. Cable coverage not decided as yet.
  • Newton Historical Society will host an award reception for the woman that organized the restoration of the town’s historic curtains which are hanging on the stage of the Town Hall sometime in November with an invitation only guest list.  Cable coverage has not been decided.
New Business:
  • New Leightronix Nexus: The committee reviewed the new HB quote. Diane felt that she wanted the committee to be there when she called the HB representative. She felt there were several questions concerning this new quote. The new quote sheet was then reviewed and the items of concerned checked. Diane then called the HB representative and together we discussed each item of concern. Bill said he would get back to us tomorrow.
  • Warranty of new equipment: It was felt that this was unnecessary.
  • 2017 Budget Meeting with the Board of Selectmen: The committee discussed the various budget line items and came to an agreement for this 2017 budget. Mary will get the paperwork for the October 18th meeting with the BOS to review the budget.  The proposed 2017 budget request is for level funding.
  • Employee Evaluations: The committee went over all the line items in Doug Drury’s evaluation together and came to unanimous decisions on all. Mary will write up the evaluation. The next evaluation was for Diane Morin. Mary and Marilyn filled this one in. Sally recused herself because of conflict of interest. Mary will also write this one up.
Other:  Reference request from Chris Liquori: Mary will look up his last one and take care of this.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  October 12, 2016 6:30pm
Adjournment: 8:00pm
                                        Respectfully submitted,
