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January 13, 2016 Cable Committee Minutes
Town of Newton
Newton Cable Committee
PO Box 378 Newton, NH 03858
Date: January 13, 2016

Call to Order: 7:12pm
Roll Call:      Mary Winglass, Chair, Public Relations/Programmer; Sally Woodman, Secretary; Diane Morin, Station Manager; Marilyn Landry, Vice Chair
Minutes from Previous Meeting of December 16, 2015:  Diane motioned to accept the minutes of the December 16, 2015 accepted as written. Marilyn seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Budget: On track.
Correspondence and Communications:
  • We received a communication from Comcast with a change of address and a calendar.
  • We received two equipment catalogs.
Review Programing Scheduling:
  • The video from the Amesbury, the Rock and NJBC have been scheduled and running.
Upcoming Events:
  • Candidates’ night: At the suggestion of Matt Burrel a rain date has been added to the Candidates night letter. Diane will update the letter. The group discussed the format for this night and Marilyn will ask Bill Landry to create several general questions for the moderator. Diane will contact Robert Dezmelyk concerning the moderator’s position for the Candidates Night program. February 17, 2016 at 7:00pm will be the night and February 24, 2016 will be the rain date. The set up for this night was discussed and agreed upon. Mary mentioned that it would be nice to have a bunting for the tables. The committee agreed. Sally motioned to give Mary up to $150.00 to acquire bunting. Diane seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
  • Scheduling of 3 church sessions: Diane mentioned that she has not heard from the Amesbury church or the Rockingham Church. Mary was sure the Rockingham church loaded their church service. There was some confusion about communication between the Rockingham church and Diane. It will be taken care of. Diane has called the Amesbury number given to her and she asked them to call Mary. Mary has not heard from them.
  • Deliberative session: The deliberative session will take place on January 30, 2016 starting at 9:00am; it will be located at the Town Hall.
Unfinished Business:
  • Review site visit: Everyone felt the visit went well. The representatives of the company were very thorough in their assessment of our needs and they asked for input from us to be sure things in both the computer room and the hall were what we wanted. Mary stated that the BOS wants to see and approve all invoices stemming from this project.
  • Station manager update: Diane mentioned that no one was notified about the Planning Board canceling a meeting scheduled to be taped. The operator will be compensated for two hours. This problem has been addressed. Diane said that some while ago she was contacted by the high school principal asking if we would air some programs created by students. Diane said yes but there has no further communication from the school. She told us that she has uploaded the Toys for Tots video again and it is in the same time slots as before.
New Business:
Next Cable Committee meeting: February 10, 2016.
Adjournment: 8:07

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Woodman, Secretary