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November 13, 2013 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           November 13, 2013                       
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:03pm
Roll Call:       Mary Winglass, Chair, Public Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary; Marilyn Landry, Vice Chair, Diane Morin, Station Manager/member
Minutes from previous meeting: Landry motioned to accept the minutes of October 7, 2013. Woodman seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
  • Revolving Fund: Presently the revolving fund has $66,379.80.
  • 2014 Budget: Winglass reported that our level funded 2014 budget has been accepted by the BOS.
Correspondence and Communications:
  • Xfinity sent the BOS an informational flyer giving instructions on emergency reporting procedures for certain outside plant and service problems.
Review Programing Schedule:
Upcoming Events:
  • BOS Meeting: The BOS will be meeting on November 19, 2013 but will not be televised because the upstairs will be in use. They will also meet on December 3, 2013
  • New Business:
  • Update from the Station Manager: Morin worked with Chris Laquori assessing some of the station’s needs. They were able to improve the audio problem using a home based person to test the sound quality. As long as the person speaking keep the microphone at a proper distance the sound quality should be fine. They also discussed alternative microphones and are assessing what equipment is useful and what can be removed. Laquori will look into better connectors and will bring the information back to Morin at their next session.
  • Interview Applicant for Cable Operator: The committee reviewed the application Connor Leavitt had sent in. Connor joined the committee and there was a conversation consisting of questions and answers for the committee and Laquori. Chris was informed of the salary he would start at and he left the meeting saying he would get back to us.
Unfinished Business:
  • Winglass reported that she had attended a NHMA Annual conference in Manchester, NH. She attended a session on PEG channels.  A number of towns and cities were involved and during the discussions. Winglass discover that our local station did more than most towns our size and much of what the larger cities did on a smaller scale.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  The next cable committee will be held on the 18th or 25th depending on when Chris Laquori responds. It will be held at 4:00pm.
Adjournment:  6:23

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman