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June 19, 2013 Cable Committee Minutes

DATE:           June 19, 2013                           
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:31p.m.
Roll Call:       Mary Winglass, Chair, Public Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary; Marilyn Landry, Vice Chair: Diane Morin, Station Manager/member
Minutes from previous meeting: May 29, 2013
        Marilyn motioned to accept the May 29, 2013 meeting minutes as written. Mary seconded them and they passed              unanimously.
        Diane reported that at present the balance in the Cable Revolving Fund is approximately $55,700.
Correspondence and Communications:
        NHCCM confirmation letter has been received.  We are in good standing and have paid the yearly dues.
Review Programming Schedule:
  • Diane will remove the Elderly Exemption program that is currently running.  Diane will update the schedule.
Upcoming Events:
  • BOS/Planning Board: The Planning Board has canceled their June 25, 2013 meeting.  The BOS will take their place.
Unfinished Business:
  • Review Bylaws: The committee reviewed the updated version of the bylaws and needed only minor updates.  Otherwise they agreed that they were good.  Mary will make changes and bring the document to our next meeting to be finalized.
New Business:
  • Removal of old Equipment & making room for Town server: Diane will clean up the cable room to ensure there is space to house the new town server.  Diane will give RMON the old PC to see if there is anything on it.
  • Video Uploads: Diane described several possibilities for new videos to be added to the cable programming schedule.  Two of the videos available have subject matter on the Old Man of the Mountain and Landscape Painting.  She will continue to search for other programs that would be of interest to our viewing audience.  They can be uploaded from the NHCCM web site through our membership.
  • Partner with Sanborn HS: Mary was approached by Brian Stack, principal, about partnering with Sanborn Regional HS to televise a variety of  HS events. The committee agreed that this was a viable option.  Mary will give Brian Diane’s contact information needed to make this happen.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  August 14, 2013 Wednesday
Adjournment:  6:35pm

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman