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December 19, 2012 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           December 19, 2012                       
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   4:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  4:40p.m.
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Donna Judge, Station Manager, Marilyn Landry
Minutes from Previous Meeting: Donna Judge motioned to accept the November 17, 2012 minutes as written. Diane seconded and it passed unanimously.
Correspondence and Communications:

Review Programing Schedule: We are presently functioning at a minimal level due to budgetary constraints.
Upcoming Events: A BOS meeting is scheduled for December 20, 2012.

Unfinished Business:
  • The warrant article for the cable budget is presently being worked on.
  • Ron Lemere spoke to the selectmen about the cable room problem. He reported that a section of the wall would be cut out large enough to fit a fan. Since the custodian has agreed to install the fan it will keep the cost down. He also reported that electrical work will be needed. What funds that will be needed will come out of the government building fund.
  • Donna has done more research on the live audio problem.  She spoke with NHCCM and Access Video about the problem and their suggestions was to purchase an amplifier.  The cost is somewhere around $1000.  After further discussion, it was decided to have Donna write a memo to the BOS explaining the problem and explaining the importance of speaking directly into the microphone.  By having the BOS read the memo at a public meeting, it is hoped that the audience will better understand the problem.
  • Marilyn has yet to find tables that would be suitable. She will continue to search.
New Business:
  • Diane has completed the yearend report and will turn send it to Nancy Wrigley.
  • Sally verified the current committee communication information. She will create copies for each member.

  • Mary made a motion to the BOS recommending the purchase of a used 15” analog flat screen TV from resident Donna Judge for a total of $20. The TV would be used in the town hall lobby for patrons to view channel 20.  Seconded by Diane and passed unanimously with Donna abstaining.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  January 16, 2013

Adjournment:  5:50p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman