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October 17, 2012 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           October 17, 2012                
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:38pm
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Donna Judge, Station Manager
Minutes from Previous Meeting of Oct 3, 2012:
Mary W motioned to accept the minutes as written.  Donna seconded and the vote was unanimous.
  • The committee reviewed the spreadsheet Diane prepared.  The information on the sheet was the total number of billable hours paid out of the budget from December, 2011 to September 2012.  After reviewing the information it was decided that we need to carefully monitor what we spend.
Correspondence and Communications:
Review Programing Schedule:
Upcoming Events:
Unfinished Business:
  • Diane met with the building inspector, Ron Lemure, to discuss options for cooling the cable room. Ron has not reported back with his findings and suggestion/s.
  • Diane and Sally have updated the equipment inventory using a spreadsheet to track all the items.  Donna and Diane will meet to finish up the inventory before the next meeting.  Once completed copies will be kept in the cable room and given to Nancy Wrigley for insurance purpose.
  • Michael Pramberg’s volunteer contract agreement will be reviewed next month.
  • Donna feels that Jim Paone should be ready to be on his own after one more training session.
New Business:
  • The committee completed a tentative budget for 2013 using the information gathered from above mentioned spreadsheet.  The budget will need to be increased by $1000 to cover videotaping town meetings. After analyzing the billable hours from 2012, the committee estimated 580 hours for the year 2013 which does not include taping the School Board meetings.  If the School Board meetings are included the estimate is 650 hours for year 2013.  Diane will update the spreadsheet to include estimates for the rest of 2012 and include the estimates for 2013.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  November 7, 2012
Adjournment:  7:10pm

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman