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October 3, 2012 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           October 3, 2012                         
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:40p.m.
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Donna Judge, Station Manager
Minutes from Previous Meeting of August 29, 2012:
Donna motioned to accept the minutes of August 29, 2012 as written. Mary seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The spread sheet is not available at this time. Diane suggested we discuss it at our next cable meeting.
Correspondence and Communications:
A few requests have come in for posting on slides. One suggestion, concerning slides, was to use white lettering on a dark background. This idea will be forwarded to our graphic designer.
Review Programing Schedule:
The official opening of the new police station, which was taped by Donna, was excellent. The problem with the microphone picking up static from the wind is an ongoing problem. Unfortunately the cable committee does not have enough funds to procure a microphone that would prevent this problem.   
Upcoming Events:
Unfinished Business:
  • We have not as yet contacted the building inspector to help us address the problem of extreme heat in the small cable room. There is no way to use conventional air conditioning as the room is small and has no egress to the outside. Diane will be getting in touch with the building inspector, Ron LeMere, to make an appointment. We are hoping he will be able to recommend solution/s for the issue.
  • Donna met with the Reverend Jim of the Baptist Church and discussed the possible choices of a new camera for the church. The Reverend said that at this time the church was not ready to purchase a camera. They will revisit this at a future time.
  • The equipment inventory needs to be finished and submitted to Nancy Wrigley.  Diane will set up a spreadsheet using data from the last inventory.  It will then be updated by Donna, Diane and/or Sally.
  • The committee reviewed the latest information on the new employees/volunteers. It was noted at this time that there is a problem with the PC.  The PC keeps hanging and the only way to get it to response is to power cycle it.  Diane will speak with Sylvania, the towns IP person, in hopes of correcting this problem. It was also suggested that we need a battery back-up system because when the Town Hall loses power it affects our equipment negatively creating problems with the normal function of our equipment.
  • It is hoped that one of the new hires will become a backup station manager.
New Business:
Next Cable Committee meeting: October 17, 2012
Adjournment:  7:45p.m.  

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman