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April 25, 2012 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           April 25, 2012          
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:30pm
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Donna Judge, Operator
Minutes from Previous Meeting
Correspondence and Communications:
Review Programing Schedule:
Upcoming Events:
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
  • Sally made a motion to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Hiring at 5:33pm.  Donna seconded.  Roll call taken to vote on motion.
  • Diane   Yes
  • Sally           Yes
  • Donna   Yes
  • Mary            Yes
  • Mary made a motion to close non-public hearing at 5:53pm.  Diane seconded.  Roll call taken to vote on motion.
  • Diane   Yes
  • Sally           Yes
  • Donna   Yes
  • Mary            Yes
Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will be made public as follows;

The Board met with Tavish Forsyth to discuss his availability to rehire him until mid August as a Cable Operator.  This is the best possible solution for the cable committee for there is an immediate need with recording meetings and special events and Tavish has the experience for he worked for the Cable Committee before leaving for college.  A schedule was discussed to include recording Selectmen’s Meetings, School Board Meetings and Recreation Meetings.  Tavish will also work on special recordings such as the Baseball Opening Day Parade and the Memorial Day Parade.  Tavish was given the approval of the Cable Committee to use the digital camera for taping the School Board Meetings.  

Mary made a motion to rehire Tavish Forsyth as a Cable Operator for the Town on Newton at an hourly rate of $11.70 per hour, Grade IX, Step 3 effective immediately.  Donna seconded.  Vote taken on motion and carried unanimously.

  • Diane will assist Tavish with taping the Newton Baseball opening ceremony on May 5 at 10:00am
Next Cable Committee meeting: May 23, 2012 at 5:30pm
Adjournment:  Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 5:55pm and seconded by Sally.  Motion carried unanimously.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman