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July 27, 2011 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:                   July 27, 2011           
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:30p.m.
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Sue Godin, operator/cable member, Mary Marshall, Production Manager
In attendance: Donna Judge
Minutes from Previous Meeting of July 13, 2011: Mary W. made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Sue seconded it and it carried unanimously.  Mary Marshall absentee
Correspondence and Communications:
  • New cable operators will need to sign the town’s Computer Use Policy.
Review Programing Schedule:
Upcoming Events:
  • The BOS will be meeting on August 3rd, 16th and 30th.
  • The Planning Board will meet on August 9th
Unfinished Business:
  • The committee continued reviewing the Franchise Renewal contract. The contract is now ready to send to the lawyer with the comments/answers from the committee.  Once we receive the draft from the lawyer we will present it to the BOS for approval. We are still waiting for the audit from Comcast in reference to the number of Newton subscribers paying a Franchise fee to a town other than Newton.  The Committee will send a draft to the Comcast representative with the understanding that it is a draft that has not been approved by the BOS. It is felt that this will help to move the negotiation process along.
  • Diane will have a training session with both of the new hires. It is hoped that this will be Thursday evening in the cable room.
New Business:
  • Diane made a motion to accept Donna Judge as a member of the Cable Committee for a three year term ending on April 15, 2014.  Sally seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
  • The official opening of the school by the Historical Society was discussed. It was suggested that Bill Landry, Newton Historical Society’s president, add captions to any pictures taken and give them to Scott DePanfilis to schedule for Channel 20.
  • Donna Judge said that she has a source of music that can be added to Channel 20. It will be of the easy listening variety. She will prepare it for a 30 minute presentation. Sue then made a motion to pay Donna for this task. Mary M seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
  • Mary Marshall was brought up to speed on the job descriptions.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  August 10, 2011
Adjournment:   7:40p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman

                        The public is welcome to the Cable meetings.