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March 17, 2010 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:                   March 17, 2010
PLACE:                  Newton Town Hall, Cable Room
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  6:41p.m.
ROLL CALL:              Diane Morin, Chair; Mary Winglass, Public
                                Relations/Programmer; Sally Woodman,
        Diane Morin, Mary Winglass, Sally Woodman, and Mary Marshall met in the Cable room to have a conference with Leightronix’s representative, Kevin Crouse via telephone at 5:30p.m... Kevin was able to help with several problems. Mary Marshall asked the committee to show her how to go live with a program. Mary Marshall gave a number of program possibilities for the futures. After explaining the process Mary asked to remain with the committee during our regular meeting.

SECRETARY’S REPORT of January 27 meeting: The report was read and accepted as written.

  • Mary Marshall explained her wish to join the cable committee and her letter of intent was given to Mary Winglass.
  • Diane received a request to post an announcement of an upcoming event. The event is entitled “Chef Joy”. It is running at the present time.
  • Mary Winglass brought a Spendable General Trust spreadsheet. The Comcast franchise and its allocation were discussed. Mary Marshall and Sally Woodman said they would review the contract we presently have with Comcast  to check on where the money goes and who is responsible for enabling the Middle School to produce live recording of meetings and events at the school.
  • We are still working to get home access for Mary W and Diane.
  • The cable for the camera came in.
  • The committee briefly reviewed the need for a hard camera case. The camera would be very expensive to replace should anything happen to it. The committee voted unanimously to request the money from the Selectmen to purchase a hard case. As soon as one more resource is checked for price the request will be put in writing.
  • Diane explained the kind of software needed for the camera to be able to talk to the PC. The committee decided to send for the software package, Cyberlink Power Director, deluxe version. Diane felt this would be a good software package and there is a 30 day trial period allowing us to be sure the package is what we need.
  • We had 50 responses to our cable survey. The committee reviewed all of the comments. We discussed ways to better serve the town’s people and will implement them as we get the equipment and software needed. Mary Marshall has said she would take on the role of producer so that new programs can air. The size and clarity of our transmissions will be researched. It is a big job to implement many of the improvements so they will be done as quickly as time permits. The survey results will be filed.
  • Mary Marshall has written a letter asking to be appointed to the Newton Cable Committee.
  • Susan Gotin has asked to become a cable committee member. The Committee will tell her to submit a letter to the Committee to begin the procedure.  The Committee will review and forward to the Selectmen if approved.  If the Selectmen agree, she will be appointed with the stipulation that she will not be able to vote on any business related to the cable operators.
  • After a discussion on methods for announcements to be added to the cable schedule we formed a list of possibilities. Diane feels any document presented for publication on Channel 20 should be 600by 800 pixels per inch. It also needs to be in jpeg form. A word document would also be accepted. Diane said she would research software for transferring information to a jpeg file and Mary W. will research the meaning of PNG.
  • Mary W will contact Sylvania to find out what surge protection the Cable Room has.
  • Sally suggested we have a sign-out sheet for any Cable equipment.
  • Mary W. feels we need to meet with the cable operators to clarify communication and job description. Sally reminded us that we need to get everyone’s home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. We all agreed to have the operators attend our next meeting.
  • We need to schedule an operator to broadcast and record the BOS meeting on March 29.
                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman