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March 17, 2010 NCAT-20 Cable TV Agenda
Town of Newton
NCAT 20 Cable Committee
PO Box 378 Newton, NH 03858


The Newton Cable Committee will meet at the Town Hall starting at 5:30 p.m. on
March 17, 2010.

Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Correspondence and Communications:
Unfinished Business:
  • Home access for Diane and Mary W.
Did we get the cable for the camera?
Did we get the hard case for the camera?
Continue discussion for camera software.
  • What was learned from the candidate’s night.
New Business:
  • Review of cable survey
Mary Marshall requests that she be able to learn how to run a live show.
Sue Godin has asked to be part of the Cable Committee.
Method to be used by people wanting to put up information on Channel 20.
Software for transferring slides to the channel 20 schedule.
  • What kind of surge protection does the Town Hall have.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  March 31, 2010

Posted on 03/15/10 at the Newton Town Hall and on the Official Town Website