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October 17, 2006 Board of Appeals Minutes
Newton Board of Appeals
P.O. Box 378
Newton, N.H. 03858

October 17, 2006

I.      Call to order:  Chairman McElroy called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
II.     Roll Call:
In attendance were Chairman Tom McElroy, Vice-Chairman Alan French, Dana Allison, Bradley Cardoso, Jack Kozec and Alternate Charles Melvin.  Absent: Alternate Ken Pelletier.  Minutes transcribed and typed by Secretary Jeannette Clark.

III.    Acceptance of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr Kozec to accept the minutes of the meeting of August 15, 2006, as written.  Second by Mr French.  Motion carries.

IV.     Old Business:
A.      Review of Planning Board minutes
It was noted that Mr Blaisdell’s subdivision request had not been decided.
B.      Review of the budget expenditures through September 30, 2006.  Discussion of the preliminary budget for 2007.  A motion was made by Mr Allison to keep everything the same, except for the Salary category.  The salary should be increased to $2400 + the 2.5% increase.  Second by Mr Kozec.  Vote: unanimous. Motion carries.
C.      Discussion of the Whispering Pines issue… A letter from Attorney Ratigan to the Planning Board was discussed.  It was noted that the Planning Board had postponed the issue till the next meeting.

V.      New Business:
A.      Selectmen’s request for Quarterly update:
The Board members were all in agreement that the only update necessary was the minutes of each meeting.
B.      Ned Nichols vs Town of Newton
Each member read the information provided.  All the information requested by Attorney Ratigan had been provided to him on October 9.  He received on October 11, 2006 (Certified mail).
C.      Municipal Law Lecture Series is beginning next Wednesday.  Three Board members will attend.
Mr French had not yet received any confirmation from the Local Government Center concerning the Municipal Law Lecture Series.  Mrs Clark had checked, and he had been registered.

D.      “NH Planning & Land Use Regulation” books
Seven (one for each member) had been ordered on October 16.  
Mrs Clark would get the free one.
E.      2006 Land Issues Conference:
“Local Government, Citizens in Action” was the theme of the 65th Annual Exhibition, to be held in November in Manchester, NH.   The flyer was circulated.

VI.     Adjournment:
A motion was made at 7:50 PM by Mr Kozec to adjourn.  Second by Mr Allison.  Motion carries.
Next meeting to be November 21, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
     Jeannette S. Clark, Secretary