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January 17, 2006 Board of Appeals Minutes
Newton Board of Appeals
P.O. Box 378
Newton, N.H. 03858

January 17, 2006

I.      Call to Order
Chairman McElroy called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

II.     Roll Call
In Attendance were Chairman Tom McElroy, Dana Allison, Bradley Cardoso , Jack Kozec,  and Alternates Charles Melvin and Ken Pelletier.  Vice-Chairman Alan French arrived late.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Secretary Jeannette Clark.

Mr Pelletier was made a voting member, in the absence of Mr French.

III.    Acceptance of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr Allison to accept the minutes of the December 20, 2005 minutes as written.  Second by Mr Kozec.  Vote: Unanimous.
Mr Melvin abstains.

IV.     Old Business
a.      Mr McElroy informs the Board that a letter with notice of a Court date on the Ferrandi issue was received from DTC. The Court date is to be March 2, at the Rockingham County Courthouse.  A 5-hour block has been scheduled.  The information also included correspondence from our Attorney, Sharon Somers, where she replied that this time was too extensive, all that was needed was a ½ hour session.  Mr McElroy to call and see if there is any more information.  He plans on attending, if necessary.
b.      Review of the minutes of the January 5 Selectmen’s meeting.
c.      Review of the minutes of the Planning Board from November, December, and January, which had just been received.
d.      Invoice from the Local Government Center for sessions at a Conference:  Mrs Clark had made several calls and had straightened thing out.  The 2 invoices, which belonged to the Conservation Commission,  have  been given to Mrs Winglass, Office Manager for the Town of Newton.

V.      New Business
a.      Announcement of the 13th Annual Spring Planning and Zoning Conference scheduled for Saturday, April 1, 2006, at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester.  Materials circulated.
b.      Review of the Legislative Bulletin received from the Local Government Center.  Flyer circulated.
c.      Discussion of the Budget meeting held January 16.  Chairman  McElroy attended.  Mr McElroy also passed out a copy of the Warrant Articles, and informed the group that the Deliberative Session had not yet taken place, so things could still change.
d.      Discussion of 2 possible Appeals.  
i.      The first one concerned wetlands.  Does this Board have the authority to make decisions on wetlands?  Members of the Board are to do some research on the subject of wetlands before the hearing.  
ii.     The other case would have to do with ‘granfathering’.  The Board decided to do some research on this subject also.  

VI.     Adjournment
A motion was made at 7:40 pm by Mr Kozec to adjourn.  Second by Mr Cardoso.    Vote: Unanimous.
Next meeting to be February 21, 2006 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannette S. Clark, Secretary