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March 18, 2008 Board of Appeals Agenda
Newton Board of Appeals
P.O. Box 378
Newton, N.H. 03858

March 18, 2008

The Newton Board of Appeals will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at the Town Hall on Main Street.

I.      Call to order
II.     Roll Call
III.    Acceptance of Minutes of the February 19, 2008 meeting.

IV.     Public Hearing:         Continental Real Estate, LLC
22 Whittier Street
Newton, NH 03858
        Map #006-13-002
Request for appeal from the Access Management Ordinance XXV(35), Section X, Paragraph A (3 a, and 4 a) dealing with Access Connections. (see page 77 of Zoning Regulations).  The Applicant proposes to create a new access way from Whittier Street.

V.      New Business:   
1.      Mr Peterson (&Abutters) motion for ReHearing on Section 3 of “natural expansion”… This issue was rescheduled at the last meeting.
2.      15th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference to be held Saturday, April 26, 2008, at the Center of NH, Radisson Hotel, Manchester.   Last chance to sign up!

VI.     Old Business: Planning Board minutes
VII.    Adjournment

Copies: Selectmen, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Road Agent, Health Officer, Board Members

Posted: Newton Town Hall, Newton Post Office, Newton Junction Post Office