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Conservation Commission Meeting 10/10/06

Meeting Minutes Oct. 10, 2006

Present: William Weiler, Deane Geddes, Frank Perrotta, Suzanne Levine, Katheryn Holmes, William Annable. From the Sunapee Hills Association, Steve Russell, chairman, and Sue Russell, co-chairman, Environmental Committee; Bill Daigle; Charles Hershberg, engineer.

September minutes: Moved Geddes, seconded Holmes, approved as corrected. Special Oct. 3 minutes: moved Holmes, seconded Levine, approved as prepared.

Intents to Cut: None
1.      Anthony Buonicore, 34 Shore Drive (34/202-015). Minimum impact expedited application to replace a 5- x 28-foot dock, unchanged. Permission granted.
2.      Richard Lanzillo, 19 Autumn Lane (0007/183-859). Application to repair existing dock.
3.      Anthony Tagliro, 1041 Rte. 103 (20/334-482). Repair to dock crib.
4.      William Weiler Driveway.  Permit to replace a culvert at Reservoir Brook granted.
5.      Matthew A. Clark, 98 Bay Point Road (7/171-390). Replace a boathouse. Notice of administrative completeness received.
6.      Town of Newbury, Cheney Road Culvert (41/404-293). Permit issued to replace a culvert for Shaw Brook.
Old Business:   
1.      Chalk Pond. Members of the Sunapee Hills Association and their environmental engineer discussed with the commission possible approaches and remedies to the erosion and drainage problems causing silting in the pond. Of particular concern is the possible development of more than 50 previously subdivided lots on Crest Road that by today’s standards are substandard. Hershberg, the engineer, said the association has applied for a state-administered federal grant to fund a control project. He said the program looks to the town to participate in funding. Forty percent of the funding has to come from municipal or private sources. He noted that 71 privately owned lots could be developed around the pond. Hershberg asked if the Newbury steep slopes ordinance could be used by the Zoning Board to place conditions on lot development. Weiler, who also serves on the Planning Board, said the Code Enforcement Officer should deny building permits based on current regulations. He said that if the steep slopes are mapped, the officer can use the information. The need for a mechanism to warn people about possible steep-slope issues was discussed. Hershberg said, even if steep slopes were not an issue, runoff is still a problem. Runoff needs to be regulated because soils around the pond don’t allow much groundwater absorption. Geddes asked if the town will maintain Crest Road. Daigle said the town has refused to maintain the road or provide emergency services. Holmes said the association should map steep slopes and develop a model to control the problem, then go to the planning board and the selectmen and explain it to them. Sue Russell said the selectmen have stated in a letter to the association that it’s not a town problem, it’s a civil matter. Weiler said that Sec. 5.10 of the zoning ordinance requires that all elements of a building project must be within the “building envelope” established by the ordinance. Perrotta asked if any effort was being made to convince lot owners to combine their lots to reduce the number of houses that could be built. The association said that while some people who own multiple, adjacent lots have been contacted, there is no program to talk to owners of undeveloped lots. Perrotta asked what the commission could do to help the association. Weiler questioned the Conservation Commission’s jurisdiction in the matter. Hershberg said a number of corrective actions are possible. Some may involve wetlands impact. He said siltation had created a 3-foot thick, 70- by 30-foot delta in the pond. Removing the sediment would release nutrients into the pond that could encourage weed growth. He said the association would need support to get such a project approved by DES. Weiler said the association should seek a permit for the project then come to the commission for discussion. Holmes asked if a sewer system would help. Hershberg said it would be very costly and the geography might not support installation. Holmes said an overlay district similar to the one governing Blodgett’s Landing was needed. She urged the association to try and organize an effort to introduce a town warrant at the 2007 town meeting. Weiler said he would be glad to help.
2.      Trail Map. After a query to Perrotta from Ann Poole, who is preparing maps for the Townwide Conservation Plan, Annable is searching his computer for the file used to print the current map and will report back to the commission. Levine said she turned over $200 in trail map proceeds to the town treasurer.
3.      Moose Plate Grant.  Perrotta reported he had researched the knotweed problem. As a result he will attend a workshop Friday, Oct. 13, in Unity sponsored by the UNH Cooperative Extension. Among topics at the invasive plants workshop will be “Legal Requirements for Herbicide Application on Public and Private Lands.” After the session he will decide what direction, if any, a possible grant application will take. Deadline for the grant application is Nov. 16. Perrotta received permission from the commission to send a letter to the selectmen, urging them to alert the town highway department to avoid cutting knotweed along the road. This spreads the plant.
4.      Conservation Plan. Weiler said he was satisfied that the commission and the consultant preparing the plan had effectively exchanged views about goals and objectives and the project was now on track.
New Business:
1.      Lake Sunapee Sewage Spill. Holmes asked the commission if a letter of concern should be issued about the sewage spill into Lake Sunapee at George’s Mills a few weeks ago. Weiler said the commission was not in the public outrage business.  He noted the spill was not in Newbury. Holmes said a stand should be taken on the issue because Sunapee is everyone’s lake.
2.      Roy Family Trust. The commission was sent a sample of an abutter notification for property on Old Province Road (41/522-363) for which a standard dredge and fill application has been prepared.
Adjourned: Moved Geddes, seconded Levine, 9:40 p.m.
Next Meeting: Nov. 14 at 7:15 p.m., Municipal Building
Prepared by: Frank Perrotta