Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers Meeting
October 20, 2014
(The following minutes were voted and accepted at the November 17, 2014 meeting)
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 19:03 hours at the Byfield Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Wallace Ziehler, Robert Dash, Timothy Wareham, Justin Webb, Terrence Martin and Douglas Packer.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. to accept the minutes from August 18, 2014 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Blasting permits were discussed by Douglas Packer. Building Inspector Joslin has offered to take over the permitting process. Chief Pearson would like to keep that process within the Fire Department jurisdiction. The Fire Department will inform the Building Inspector of any future blasts, as well as the Police Department.
Deputy Ziehler discussed special event permits. The Deputy would like the Fire Department to receive advanced notice for any events in Town so we can plan alternate routes of responses to incident if needed. Douglas Packer will handle. Chief Pearson explained the new event permitting process with the Town.
The recent letter sent to TW Excavating regarding their special permit application was discussed. Douglas Packer and Captain Webb questioned why the entire Board was not made aware of the contents of the letter before it was sent. Chief Pearson states that the letter was drafted and sent due to time constraints. The Chief explained the contents of the letter and stated that the letter was sent from the Fire Chief, not the Board of Fire Engineers.
Fireproofing of curtains at Adelynrood was discussed.
Chief Pearson states that a 25 house subdivision is being proposed on Pearson Drive.
Chief Pearson states that he will allow a special permit for the Beachcoma for a Halloween party, but will not allow another one.
Captain Wareham discussed the keys and door numbering at 33 High Road. The Captain states that there will be a list of emergency contacts posted in the sump pump room.
Douglas Packer discussed easement access points to the beach on Plum Island. Deputy Ziehler requests a map once the signs are installed.
Deputy Janvrin requested clarification on lockdown procedures in the schools. Both Stations are to respond to all lockdown incidents or drills in NES and Triton. The senior officer is to work in the incident command unit with the unified command individuals.
Motion by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Robert Dash to pay for the red phone in each Station out of the Fire Engineers Maintenance Account. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. to appoint Bryan Padellaro as a Call Firefighter. Motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Ziehler states that Protection 2 has selected KME for their Tanker. The Deputy explained the specifications and states that the expected delivery date is May/June of 2015.
Deputy Ziehler states that the 1st factory visit has taken place for the new engine. The Deputy explained the changes made at the factory and states that delivery is expected in August of 2015.
The new Ladder 3 has arrived and training is taking place. The new Rescue 20 ambulance is now in service.
Training - MBTA and PI Airport training is being pursued by Captain Webb. Newburyport/Rowley/Salisbury wish to attend.
There will be a water supply drill on Monday, October 27 in Byfield.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. and 2nd by Wallace Ziehler to adjourn at 21:11 hours. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers