Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers Meeting
June 16, 2014
(The following minutes were voted and accepted at the July 21, 2014 meeting)
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 19:00 hours at the Newbury Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Wallace Ziehler, Robert Dash, Justin Webb, Terrence Martin and Douglas Packer.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais was present and spoke about the new Fire Engine lease. TA Blais explained that the engine will be under total control of the Board of Fire Engineers. She also states that each lease payment has to be approved each year at Town Meeting.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Justin Webb to approve the purchase of the KME Engine as presented. Motion passed unanimously. TA Blais states that she will order the engine immediately.
Motion made by Robert Dash and 2nd by Justin Webb to accept the minutes from May 07, 2014 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Pearson spoke of the broken fire hydrant in front of 113 High Road. The Chief states he had conversation with Newburyport Water regarding repairing the hydrant with no results. The Chief states that he has sent a letter to Newburyport Water requesting repair of the hydrant.
Chief Pearson spoke of solar panels and the Fire Departments involvement in permitting and inspections. The Chief states that it is not currently in the fire code, just the building code. The Chief states that the Fire Department will be getting involved in permitting and plan reviews and will be charging fees if necessary. The Chief has spoken with the electrical inspector regarding installations. Douglas Packer will speak with BI Sam Joslin to get his decision on the level of Fire Department involvement. The Chief will attempt to set up a class on solar panels.
Chief Pearson spoke about the Fire Department policy pertaining to reviewing plans for smoke detector placement.
Deputy Ziehler states that the newest set of gear has been received and is in service.
Deputy Ziehler spoke of the recent MCI drill in Boxford. Deputies Ziehler and Janvrin attended with an ambulance from both Companies.
Deputy Ziehler states that the drafting drill went well.
Douglas Packer handed out copies of the Fire Department Special Act and discussed the lease agreements which are coming out.
Chief Pearson states that we will be fine with the amount left in the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Training - burning a building on Sled Road was discussed. Captain Webb will work with Lt. Kelley to obtain further getting information. Pump training was discussed. Deputy Janvrin states that he is attempting to change the date to Sunday instead of Saturday. Captain Webb spoke of the possibility of getting the flashover trailer. Deputy Ziehler suggested small aircraft classes. Chief Pearson mentioned PI airport for possibility of training. Deputy Ziehler also mentioned the possibility of MBTA training. This months training will be an air management obstacle course in Byfield at 18:30 hours. Chief Pearson states that there is one member attending the upcoming FFI/II training.
Deputy Janvrin read the list of Call Firefighters for annual appointment. Chief Pearson requested a hold on FF Edward Donnelly. The Chief voiced his concerns with FF Donnelly. Deputy Ziehler requests that the appointments be postponed until next month when the full board will have the opportunity to be present. It was the consensus of the Board to accept Deputy Ziehler's requests.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. and 2nd by Wallace Ziehler to approve Brandon Ivone, Jonathan Kelley, Keith Grant, Eric Beaulieu and Thomas Denman as Lieutenants. Motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Janvrin states that the new sets of gear will be ordered soon. Captain Martin questioned the process by which members are selected for new gear. Chief Pearson states that the Deputies make the decision.
Deputy Janvrin spoke of the upcoming affiliation agreements which will become necessary between the Anna Jaques Hospital and the Newbury Police Department. The Deputy has been in contact with Deputy Lucey. Deputy Janvrin will be overseeing the EMS operations as necessary to satisfy the agreement as he is the EMS Coordinator for the Town and of the ALS service.
Chief Pearson spoke of his concerns with Ladder 3 responding to calls. Deputy Ziehler states that a recent issue has been dealt with. After discussion, Deputy Ziehler states that he will take the truck out of service permanently.
Chief Pearson states that he would like a qualified radio company to install the radios in the new engine.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Robert Dash to adjourn at 20:46 hours. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers