Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers
Minutes of Meeting - April 22, 2014
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 19:00 hours at the Newbury Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Wallace Ziehler, Robert Dash, Nate Walker, Timothy Wareham and Justin Webb.
Chief Pearson stated that the meeting would reconvene at the Town Hall so that members could attend the Selectmen's meeting to discuss appointments to the Board of Fire Engineers for the upcoming year.
At 19:45 hours, the Board of Fire Engineers meeting was reconvened at the Newbury Station.
Motion made by Timothy Wareham and 2nd by Robert Dash to accept the minutes from March 17, 2014 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Pearson spoke of problems with the water system on Plum Island. Deputy Ziehler spoke of a problem with the hydrant on High Road by Hay Street. Chief Pearson will address concern with Newburyport Water.
Chief Pearson discussed commercial fuel tank inspections being done in conjunction with the Town. These are to be done on April 01 of each year.
Chief Pearson states that the Town has requested that the Board of Fire Engineers develop a job description for full-time and call firefighters. The Chief will work on these this month.
There will be water supply and HAV training on Knobb Hill on Monday, April 28 at 6:30 pm.
Motion made by Robert Dash 2nd by Wallace Ziehler to adjourn at 20:54 hours. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers