Minutes from the Newbury Recreation Committee Meeting held on March 1, 2016, at PITA Hall, Newbury MA.
Meeting started at: 7:02
Warren Manter, Chairman Diane Manter
Rebecca Takesian Joe Story
Rich Capalupo Dave Taylor
Bill Wendt
Tracy Blais
Ron Barrett
Eileen Deaveaux (Town acct)
Sam Joselin
Accept minutes from January 26, 2016 meeting. MOTION to accept minutes, by Rebecca Takesian. MOTION APPROVED
- Balance in Rec Revolving $66908
- Balance in FY16 appropiation $33,207
- Warren distributed and went over an estimated 2016 calendar year income – PROJECTED INCOME. The figures are based on last years figures.
Warren asked Town Hall for a copy of the contracts that will need to be renewed, with verbage if agreeable with both parties that contacts be renewed.
Tracy – town will take on the mowing and fertilizing, but it will be paid – the town could do it for approximately $7000 less than what is currently being paid.
Warren asked that a breakdown of this be brought forward to the Committee for a decision to be made. MOTION: DB – that this be tabled until the next meeting when we have the information with regards to this. MOTION APPROVED
- Tracy stated that the Town Hall is willing to take over the billing and collection. Diane Manter asked who the contact person would be at Town Hall – Kaitlyn Gilbert of the Treasurer’s office would be in charge of the billing and collection. MOTION: DT – to accept the offer that the Town take over the billing and collecting of fees. MOTION APPROVED
- Copies of the documents were distributed. Tracy will have Town Council review the documents. Tracy will have draft sent.
New Business
FIELD HOUSE: RC – feeling of committee that our job is not done until the Field House is completed. TB – asked Sam J. to create a time line. SJ – (see attached)
TB – recommends that the Committee wait until the fall to go to Town Meeting. There was much discussion about
Payment received from Byfield Music & Arts Festival in the amount of $500.
Ron Barrett recommended putting up a funding thermoter to promote interest.
MEETING – a meeting will be held on Monday, March 7, 2016 at 7 pm in PITA Hall. The Agenda will be Review and approve the permitting docs and review numbers regarding mowing & fertilizing from the Town.